But, because the DOJ is completely corrupted as a result of the CIA drug running (war on the people), he goes free.
Even now I do not feel people have a proper grasp of the fact that the war on drugs was not about drugs.
-Militarization, funding of police to enforce a police state and suppression of rights.
No Knock Warrants
White lists of "legal and licensed criminals" who are above the law.
Gun Rights suppression
Asset Forfeiture
Complete usurpation of the legal system (Bush Cocaine)
4th amendment violations the norm
Program the police that the "people are the enemy" and need to be suppressed.
Make no mistake, de-funding the police is not the argument. Maybe re scoping the police to fight common law crime again would be helpful.
It is almost as if Prohibition was a test run that they learned from. And now with the drug was they were able to perfect a never ending war which results in:
Suppression of liberty and Constitutional Rights
Creation of national criminal elements that can take over once they are done with the sheepolice. Welcome to today.
That has been the problem, and still is:
The belief that it is only a few ppl at the top of these agencies.
The enemy has entire pipelines, the entire management chain is gatelocked by these corrupt POS.
Think more like anything and anyone SAIC or above is probably 50/50 at best.
How many times did we get burned by this pipeline which is probably 6-7 layers deep.
There are alot of great ppl at these agencies the problem is they have neither the desire, stomach, or compromised characters that are required to be promoted above rank and file.
>99% of the DOJ are White Hat Patriots who serve with distinction
>99% of the CIA are White Hat Patriots who serve with distinction
Both Agencies are corrupted beyond repair. And I suspect it's more like 70-80 (the bottom 70-80 unfortunately).
However: we will win.