Autistic documentary by Glenn Gould.
Dig it.
Autistic documentary by Glenn Gould.
Dig it.
Never gets old this one.
Never a surprise either since all of those organisms live on every human being.
Indeed there are more microorganisms in a human body than a human body has cells.
We're nested mathematical processes come to that ascending to the peak of reason, potential, if we ever learn to deal with our conditioned responses and stop snapping up every piece of bait.
>>13958702 (PB)
The mitochondria that power are cells were once part of another independent bacterial organism. We merged with a symbiont before we went multicellular. Once we had the enzymes though, we had everything, and the Lords of Form, or what the scientist Michael Levin calls "Morphogenetic fields" where them able to make the structural specifications, and all the morphological diversity of the tree came into being.
Here Levin talks about codes used by the field to specify, regrow or renew every organ system in the body.
If MSM legacy media was not comped out of their pedovore protecting souls, this would be top of every news cycle because not only is it the single biggest discovery in the history of medical science it offers assured immortality.