Round on both ends
Hi in the middle
Round on both ends
Hi in the middle
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We just heard from Carl Spackler and he says
He smells variant poontang!
Is there beer on the ship?
Little steps at a time.
Very infrequent these days
One and done
though careening around the cosmos
Might have to rethink…
martian cigarettes over anything Anheuser Busch…
All of his emails haven't been released.
Over/Under on him conversing with a /politician about the "narrative" back early in the 15 days to stop the spread which turned more into 15 months to spread your buns…
so say we all
I understand that I am purchashing a extremely hot sauce, I understand this hot sauce is NOT diluted. I understand this HOT sauce should be kept away from Children, Pets and those with Heart and or Respiratory problems and those adverse to Hot foods. This statement releases the Mean Pig BBQ from any and all liability that I may consider. This includes releasing the Mean Pig BBQ if someone other that the purchaser consumes the HOT sauce.
at least I ain't riding the rocket sled he said