>How does the fraudulent election of 2020 tie to the gun running operation of 2009?
>Run guns to shitheads en Mehico.
>Make it look like guns come from U.S. via legal process.
>Unleash pandemic to knock population back on their heels.
>Unleash mobs to cause havoc inside U.S.
>Shitheads use guns to commit murders inside U.S. using guns from U.S.
>Push legislation to clamp down on guns inside U.S.
>Plandemic pushes more onto shitty Odumblefuck care making it harder to get rid of.
>Plandemic ushers in era of 'Teleworking' and making tech giants more important | easier to spy on citizenry (Think TOS/Privacy policy that no one really ever reads)
>Plandemic panics people into not using what little common sense they may have and accepting 'experimental' therapies.
>Plandemic crushes mom & pops. Big retailers corner the market a bit more.
net gains?
>Cull the herd
>Consolidate power
>Erode gun rights
>Cause further polarization
Just spitballin' feel free to pick apart or not. ¯_(ツ)_/¯