I vote that he means:
most are good.
(as if you said 'bad-asian accent' not to mean
bad accent prtening to be a stereotype of chinese people purpetrated by hollywood porpagandists in the 1930s, 40s and half way through the 50 and 60s.
there is an intersting televions show called 'Match Game 75'.
one of the local stations seems to run it (I watched television one night beause I couldn't sleep, it was like going back in time) and it was Bret who said 'They'll be letters' when she refused to give the obvious answer that had someone doing a stereotypical asian (and rather horrible) accent as the 'punch line'.
that was 1975. Pepole were aware then, OVR 50 years ago.
doesn't that tell you since American Television was broadcasting stuff that said 'don't do these accents anymore' (Because Bret was an influencer) and that was the mainstream point of view, even to the point that the word 'retard' (usually pronounced without the second are) was also deprecated by the paretns of Down Syndrom kids who would tell you how hurtful it was to the angel-kids (the Down Syndrome kids could be problematic too,sometimes they would have temper tantrums).
so we stopped using 'retard'.
somehow it got resurrected over 50 years later here.
along with 'cunt' and other deprecated words.
however there are other words that have not bee resurrected and I won't say what they are because . . . if I do someone will start using them again.
shut up with that crap.
the inauthentic persona of a flavored baker or namefag here shows up far too often and for too long a duration per episode to be a real person.
it's a team.
and one of the tells of this is that they use a persona.
the one that they have running now in the bread has one that if it uses a putdown or an allegory it always harkens to some crude descripton of rapey sex.
every time.
it's not authentic.
That is a fake thing and you printed it yourself.
Every allegory is sexual with that one, you know it's true.
it has only one path: leads to the rapey sexual innuendo.
it keeps the crotch at 'eye level' in it's narratives.
It devotes itself to rapey putdowns.
It flurts with rape as recreationally amusing.
on and on it goes.
perhaps because the 'rape fantasy' is the easiest thing to use to frame a horny and confused young person and basically capture them into a slave system.
Dude, please.
so what you generated a wiki page.
get a clue.
if you think that's a real definition by an old line dictionary, then show me a photograph of it from a copy of a 1940's giant tomb type of dictionary at an archive, or from your own collection.
If I turn to that page in my big old book will I find that word? Dare I go look?
that book is really heavy. I may need to blow dust off of it . . .
my cander has summoned the gatekeepers . . .
nun shall pass . . .
wait . . . Nuns aren't typically grandmothers . . .
I just figured it's 5:15 and most of the people here have been here for a while and didn't consider that being free speaking would trigger the 'oh you are a granny' sayers. (who have nothing else to add).
I find my fingers want to work at this time of day. and this place inspires me to make copy.
however, my 'internal filters' are low.
So I do a candid shill-splaination: I review the horrid posts of someone who posts far too frequently and for too long a duration per session to be taken seriously as a real person, and not as a discord team.
so I tried to be direct, with terse English word explanations about what shill-team crass-bakers go on about.
that's what free speech is good for.
and I trigger them when I say what they do.
they will say 'oh you feezzzllzzz' next or go direct to the 'here is a scarf, there is the door, now I do need, to say anymore?' bit, but be very direct with it.
and other stuff like that
puppy-shill tries to bight at the heals of people out on their morning walk.
(my fingers are walking along the ridgeline of this keyboard.)
well, no.
whatever dude, stay in the gutter, I say. at least we'll know where you are.
(how sad of me to tell you to stay where you want to be? Am I supposed to be a person who would reach out to pull you out of your hole when clearly you enjoy being down in there? so I notice that you do this, and I note it, and I move along? or wait? no? I'm up here on the path, your in your hovvel getting your dough for being a mean-bitch annoyance snippy-dog, what am I suppoossoedta dew?
There aint any point is dwelling except to point it out and say 'huh, that's an open well, and . . . there is a person in there. and he/she/it is calling out insults at me.
there is no water in that well.
how deep it goes no one really knows.
if the person fell in there the way to help is to say 'you're down in a hole, like an AinC song' . . .
and help them with a ladder?
they'll wantta pull you down in there with them.
"the sun is rising here, but you can't see it. The world is awakening, but you're sense of fellowship is in a coma. your mean-bitch snark is on full. you are living in a hole in the ground."
but to them it's their whole world, perhaps. A sunny beach, a coshey pay check to 'monitor' the 'cases', blissful seaside walks cruising the sundrenche shores at the most proud part of that part of the world, and falling in love . . .(I"m thinking of a song from an album by a snarky composer who knew the deal . . . )
anyway, so what, I'm candid.
I enjoy the fictionalized news accounts, anon. It's like a fantasy science fiction for political science.
but I agree that tooting a horn for it, as if it might be real, is an attempt to inflate it and conflate it with reality, when clearly it's a kind of pulp-fiction presentation with gratutitous satisfaction of expectations of fond desires fulfilled . . .
the one who says 'oh it might probbably be real' wouldn't say that if it were probably real. They'd be posting sauce and linking evidence.
this one puts up a 'you are so weak' crap presenation of copy pasta from a movie with text overlay.
it tries to evoke other aspects of pride and heritage by using shaming-language.
the reason: they have no arguments, they have no concept, they are a discouragement team.
their only purpose is to stop the chatty types from chatting about what they do and who they are.
they do not want anyone to be able to say anything real or to describe what they do(which they do in full view) they don't want anyone describing their fowl behavior-farming (twit-grooming) that is their task.
it screws with their game if we say 'oh, here they are, bringing the conversation here' in a terse way. We point it out immediately 'ok, doing this now' and they are thrown of key. It's like they are hearing echoes and cant think of how to respond because they have no capacity to make a thought before they use that thought and filter their miscreant constant nudge.
they 'constant and continuous putdown and nudge shill' is what they do.
terse and meaningless in actuality.
to put it sicinctly (everyone is saying, who read this far 'phaaa leasse')
they got nothin'
you won't need a resume: they will have a dossier of all your on-line posts, all your homework, everything you ever did, all your pictures, and lists of all the media that you pursue.
and they will say it's not an invasion of privacy because they will task selection to an AI,
who will 'know all about you' and talk to you like a bad-psychologist.
you don't attend to the copy that your 'cases' present.
what you do is a bland statement asking for a rehash of what was made obvious previously.
if there is confusion, you could ask a specific question. but your task is to sow confusion, so you make a vauge request for more input.
you are like the message that used to be on phone calls that didn't make it through the system: "we are unable to complete your call as dialed"
basically you're a hollow shell, a nothin'bot
nothin'bottick processes.
you don't use your ears with this copy, do you really?
another point: I do play to the fact that you do have nothing real to say. I suppose if the team you're in were fair to the anon you'd stop after a time and say 'guys on a rant for an hour or two int he morning' and stop with the cold water on my head attempts that your team always makes.
or to reach out to a real person who just wants to fall in love and have a life but as to work the crappy job at daddy's shillbot factory . . . and say 'run away, little darling. Find something better for yourself.'
job for life is a thing for that type. so it's hard to walk away. you have bills. You like to buy drinks for people . . .
anyhoo, keep it up. you are watched as you watch.
wow you are so powerful in your fantasy world.
you 'make' people 'into' something.
seriously your fucked up
abandon bread
abandon bread
they always announce the new bread early when they are losing the narrative.
back in the day when there would be a bread every two hours, and we had real anon as bakers, and not the shill team on the beach vacation crowd (interns in the pride city) . . .
the bakers would have one (just one) next bread post which they would try to hit send so that the post showed up as the very last post in the bread. And sometimes it would miss.