So glad you'll be gone tomorrow, bitch you live on the remnants of a bin, talkin' civility to autists is like talkin' oil to water, the 2 dont mix, one of the many qualities you have that piss me right off, and i blame tits
you know the new victoria secret models? that is what she really looks like, wonders of technology you know :)
Cum sluts abound, virgins are sketchy, do you know why? because we are abused non stop by men demandin' cumsluts
Cie le Vi
then Q got hijacked, REMEMBER THIS DATE
was the day i didnt renew my license
We have until 11.11 2021
The keys got stolen :)
We'll see how it goes, they have their plans, church has theirs, the fuck what'll happen today, we'll have to wait and see
Cicada was original god to affrikans, the story goes
The ants worked together and stored away their fruits, when a time of famine came they had enough, but the cicada who played his fiddle & danced instead of savin' and workin' with his brethern starved
Sorry to burst your bubble anon, however, there is a reason why American indians are wearin' sari's in their photos
Look the real church went into the desert, Sanskrit, comprende ?
The keystone of the Sacred heart Cathedral was lain on the day i was concieved, in a town called Bendigo, also known as SANDHURST
pronounced Sand - her- S, t
We, sand, t
t = cross
Get it?
The creator can create whatever, wherever
I let them through.
Understand this, everythin' you have seen over the past couple of years has been MI
5 eyes
II counteracted by spellin' in MI6, ofcourse nothin' can beat me on that 06/06 the division of time, which is what you see her askin' for money
'tis biblical anon, whether you want to believe it or not, my birth 06/06, my mothers 09/09, you see?
He is not the hero you make him out to be, a figurehead perhaps
Pissin' down rain here, hope ya'll are happy now
FINALLY! A song with I chorus i can sing along to !
Some, a, somethin', somer, somea thingggggg !
Thank you anon for the upliftin' song, just , thats how i sound with every songs chorus, which is why i dance and play music, & dont not sing :)
anon we are autists, we dont clearly convey anythin' (except to one and other) Normies dont get us never will
Was from the pentagon 'Flu shots' to americans, before the millitary games in, guess where? Wuhan
thats why scott had them inspite of fires