>>13968002, Pipe
>>13967996, Hitting
>>13967984, At
>>13967977, Record
>>13967959, High
>>13967974, Levels
>>13968002, Pipe
>>13967996, Hitting
>>13967984, At
>>13967977, Record
>>13967959, High
>>13967974, Levels
Puff puff
Hmm hm hm Hmm Hmmmm
Puff puff
Comfy Confirmed
Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)
(power shift). Inbound
Were the Extra Few Dollars Moar Worth it?
Give it 3 Days.
Someone Shit in her Wheaties?
Kek Willed it
Hydrosonic Man
There is no time, There is only direction.
The Great Awakening is Ahead of Schedule and Under Budget
Laptops Of DOOOOOOOOOMmmmmm
Next Level
HyrdoSonic Boom