Instead of Patriots running the government we instead have these Gaylord creeps
This idiot creep Biden just threatened to use nukes and f-15s on his own citizens..
Can someone please make “Stolen elections have consequences” bumper stickers?
>$6 per square foot
>high quality 3M laminated full color stickers
>venmo payment if youre for real
>unshackle Blockchain innovation
Blockchain has been on white paper for years now wtf you talking bout Willy?
>The idea is to unregulate Blockchain so we can use it for Government, Healthcare, Education, Commerce and basically every other industry in existence.
Why? It’s just a public (or private) ledger system.
People throw around the word ‘blockchain’ like it’s some kind of magic sprinkles or something kek.
They already have something for what you’re talking about it’s called excel.
>If you don't understand how all of this comes together and based on your redditposting, I'm not really interested in explaining it further.
>You being poor won't bother me. What I'm offering is for people that care enough to suspend disbelief and apply critical thinking. If that doesn't apply to you, that's your issue, not mine.
How is an hash verifying ledger system going to fix everything in every industry A-Z (aside from finance)?
It’s like the same people who push marijuana as a cure all.
*Roll eyes