Anonymous ID: 456a8d May 13, 2018, 9:49 a.m. No.1397530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Read highlights in photos attached first please.


Without name, brag, or famefagging in this post I will provide a brief background however that I feel is necessary for clarity. I have been doing this since before Q post #1114 (pepe dancing attached) and have been presenting in such manner. When Qpost1114 happened, I felt what I was doing got validated in method practice and understanding of the purpose of the Q posts themselves. Without also going into much detail, there are many that have commented on their restored trust in Q watching my material despite these trying times. Truth is logic. Truth is Freedom. WWG1WGA. I am considering my channel’s success in that realm as a good beta test for proof of concept in this regard.


I am now sharing what I think has been tested enough for all of you to build on and I have already posted the video to display originality and authenticity to my channel for protection purposes only. By intentionally not providing any links or keywords to the related video I hope you anons understand that even though I am one of the ‘Q-tubers’, I am simply trying to help too without gaining anything personally outside the humble satisfaction of extinguishing fear by instilling truth in others.


I hope these steps for ordering Q posts for autistic level proof-making help any who read this.


1-Pick your subject then create its own folder. Important to be able to do multiple projects without name conflict.


2-Pick keywords related to your subject and write on a piece of paper. Or put in excel/word/whatever.


3-Start with first keyword and collect all Q posts whether you think they are related or not – Copy/save the post as its own file ‘qp####’ in special folder titled your subject.


4-As you are collecting the Q posts for the keyword, determine other keywords to add to your list that you are finding along the way


5-If Q post has links in it, screenshot the site/pdf/video/etc that the link goes to and label the file ‘qp####-linktitlename’. You can also keep the link tabs open to print in full if you want. Helps with detail and comes in handy later when getting more in depth.


6-Repeat steps 3-5 until you have exhausted all of your keywords


7-Collect other awesome universal Q posts and put into same folder. They are usually the ones about good vs evil, we the people, etc….


8-I use powerpoint to not waste paper. Formatted in Design tab page setup, I choose letter paper and portrait. (anons use/suggest better alternatives if you have them)


9-With you folder sorted by name, import all your collections in powerpoint. If more than one can fit in a slide, do it.


10-Print out as handouts as 2 or 4 per page. 6 is too small. 3 can be used if you want to have the note lines. Print out your related articles. Sorting in real life quickly is where the HUGE advantage of all of this comes in.


11-Have a big table or a card table handy – Cut out all of what you printed and lay out on the table.


12- Time to get autistic make small related groups > build the small groups into each other > reorganize where desired within merged groups > group your larger groups into the bigger picture


13-Write down/record what you created.


14-Put in powerpoint in the order you recorded. Then insert memes and other found news articles if you want where necessary. Present yourself on a platform as anon or create big files of your ordered masterpiece for all to read and post all places you like.


For step 3, I collect at 200% and use snippet tool because I also present the material and it makes it easier to read along. I label longer posts as “qp####p1” then “qp####p2” etc… If you do not plan to present, 100% should be fine and would require less files to screenshot. If another anon has an efficient way to copy individual posts as they look on that exists already that is big enough to read in RL when printed, please share. If one doesn’t exist, maybe an anon could create it or the anon that created the new site could figure a way to add it to the site as another function? (i.e. enter Q post # and it creates jpg file to save as defaulted Q post#)


You 8chfags who have been putting in fulltime to this movement gave me what I personally needed to see and then understand the complexities required in the plan even though I do not know many details. I have also contributed via memes and have sometimes provided source material. Really just trying to input my time that I have available to where I can maximize my personal contribution as so many other anons that aren’t fulltime here try to do. This instruction is for all, but could be really helpful for those of you who are more in depth with the knowledge on the Qposts and related happenings and really prove the crap out of Q. It will be the best way to weather the disinfo aside from the smaller side-by-sides (still important).