Anonymous ID: b5a028 May 13, 2018, 9:02 a.m. No.1397168   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Okay, trying out my rusty critical thinking skills here. 1. We know the Iran deal was bad for the US. Why, because the US was being bled dry just so these corporations could profit and Iran could continue its nuclear program under cover. 2. We know the Iranian people thought the deal was bad and wanted it stopped too because they saw how the money was being used to fund terrorists and continue the wars and disruption. 3. We know that that someone in Iran gave Israel a shit load of information that Bibbi used for his presentation. 4. We know that when it comes to making the deal, POTUS is very thoughtful about all aspects and pays attention to consequences. Therefore, I don’t think he approached this lightly. He had to have an ace in the hole. He always does. MSM portrays him as stupid because they don’t know wtf he’s up to:

“No event is happening in a vacuum. It is critical to emphasize this basic point when evaluating the foreign policy of President Trump and his administration. There is a very well planned multidimensional construct within the sequencing of individual events which shows a policy thread weaving throughout.


The challenging aspect for most of the current U.S. electorate, and specifically those who follow politics closely, is the Trump administration’s position to not publicly espouse targeted and strategic policy objectives.


This deliberate yet not publicly promoted approach is a paradigm shift for those who reference modern diplomatic politics through the prism of past doctrines and their public advancement. The Trump foreign policy approach is a planned, deliberate, consequential, and intentionally quiet undertaking.”


My conclusion: POTUS and company got this.