Anonymous ID: 9b8a0a May 15, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.1421441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2191 >>2466 >>1298


Here is some very important research on background of what happened, since the beginning. Remember, these are satanist, their beliefs and rituals serve Satan. And the satanic hierarchy serves the Eye.


Q has given plenty of crumbs. This is a dig. Please read and consider the research.


Satan started by breeding his seed into man. Q: follow the bloodlines. God: Book of Genesis, Book of Enoch


Roths and the 13 families gather to Satan. Q: It's good v evil, more evil than you know. God: his whole message



Rothchilds [called "Lords"][king of the "Jews" have been grooming Israel, Jerusalem –SPECIFICALLY–[GOD'S LOCATION, where he put HIS name, his throne] – to seat Satan- who is to be a Rothchild by bloodline. Roth & families have created satanic dominion over God's Holy land and seek WW takeover.


These families live and breed to further Satan's agenda. Common denominator is witchcraft. Q: symbolism is their downfall. Symbol is the occult hexagram from Egyptian/Babylonian pagan rituals & King Solomon when he went into idol worshipping —(Ashteroth & Moloch)—male &female false gods have importance in sacrifices 9/11 & the Holocaust)


Rothschilds originated in Frankfort. Mayer Amshel Bauer changed his name to this symbol. Rothchilds, not Jews, made the Knesset of the new state of Israel, to the flag of Israel, and to its medical organization, Red Cross. (This was never a Jewish symbol during King David). Hitler (a Rothchild) forced BOTH Jews & Christians to wear the 6 pointed star (that Rothchilds were named after), as a symbol of shame. So not all Holocaust victims were Jews. Thus, both AshteROTH & Moloch received their burnt sacrifice. Same as 9/11. Certain Zionists/NWO Jews got the call not to go to work that day.



traceable through last 4 most recent Rothchilds.


Barron Edmond de Rothchild

1845-1934, House of France


Baron Edmond L. de Rothchild

1916 -2009, House of England


Baron Ed de Rothschild

1926-1997, House of France


Now click it's Jacob, 1936-

UK citizenship


They set the whole "anti-Semitic" agenda up


Con't below in 2)







Anonymous ID: 9b8a0a May 15, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.1421780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2191 >>2466 >>1298


Rothschild relationship is deceiving. They took a "pro-jew" con snowball approach.


ASK THIS: what kind of Judaism do they support?

The Jews waiting for the return of the God's Messiah? No.

The Messianic Jews who believe Jesus is the Messiah? No.

No. No. No. They support Cabalistic Jews, like they are, who support the Zionist movement.


Pay attention. Not all Zionists are in this movement AND not all "Jews" are Cabalists. Do you see what they did?

So, in the time of Baron Edmond de Rothschild (dob1845) there was a small Jewish community in Jerusalem. Cut off and isolated. He started promoting a "return of the homeland" theme. His money built a hospital, houses, dug wells, and even set up & started industries. During the Crimean war (they made) the Jews in Palestine tried to get him out. Worshipping, relying on GOD.


Ok, this really pissed him off. He is quoted saying, "I created the Yishuv, I alone." Stating no man had a right to interfere with his plans. (Roth: King of the Jews) Not GOD'S KING!!

During this time Tel Avi became a city; the League of Nations formed. (now UN). The Balfour Declaration from England, addressed to both 1845 & 1916 Rothschilds, was made supporting creation of a Jewish homeland, and during this time, due to overwhelming unpaid Ottoman debts, Rothschilds took over Palestine…..


Then Hitler came. Created by Satan's empire, Zionist Roth Cabalists.


Con't 3)

Anonymous ID: 9b8a0a May 15, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.1422191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2466 >>1298





By the time of Hitler, (the Cabalists) had very strick control of immigration. In Europe and Palestine, early on.


This was so they could herd us like cattle for their own purposes. Jews were kicked out of Europe and Jews in Palestine couldn't escape. Edmond Rothschild's original trust was "PICA" Palestine Jewish Colonization Association. But post state of Israel, when the government was involved, its functions changed.

Edmond's son named it "Hanadiv," Benefactor, and rehabbed focus and money to education, science & culture.

Similar to Rockefeller money, and the onslaught of various Cabalists foundations that were set up around the same time in America. Carnegie (died 1919), Rockefeller, Harvard Skull & Bones, and they make it sound soooo good. Masons are good, really really good guys.


That's how our educational "control" system was enacted.


QUESTION: Are dupped citizens who unwittingly serve the cause of evil to be grouped in judgment by other dupped citizens as being evil?


Be careful who you judge.

Many of those think they are serving GOD. Only God knows the heart.



yeah, it includes the Jews.

All peoples.




(Do you see current middle East citizens trapped in cultural [kill boxes] ???


Rothschild agents made the Jew pen of Europe, much the same as they financed and created hundreds of dominations of Christian churches in America, and created radical Islam, which true history points out was a apostasy of Christianity. No doubt, they for Satan's agenda, created ALL of the many many assorted "religions" appearing in the world AFTER THE ONE TRUE GOD, a Hebrew God, with a Hebrew Son.


They played Hitler and the Holocaust, and the whole anti-Semitic agends to force the idea of a Jewish state. To the elite it was a control kill –A BURNT SACRIFICE– done to collect an insurance payout. The scam that just keeps on giving.

Anonymous ID: 9b8a0a May 15, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.1422466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1298






The Rise of the House of Rothschild, Corti, Count Egon Research, ©1928;


The Six-Pointed Star, Graham, OJ, 1984;


Be Wise As Serpents, Sprinmeier, Fritz, 1991;


The Money Lenders, Sampson, Anthony, 1983;


The Rothschilds: A Family of Fortune, Cowled, Virginia, 1973;


OCCULT THEOCRASY, Miller, Edith Starr, 1933




Anonymous ID: 9b8a0a May 15, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.1427927   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God says it best. We are none perfect. We often don't even know where we are going. But he is with us and you will know one day. And that will be an amazing day. He loves, he is love. He offers endless compassion. He comforts, He teaches, He warns. He saves. The sign on your forhead and the sign on your hand mark you. Are his ways in your head, your brain?does your hand serve him?


Trust in the LORD forever, for in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting ROCK.

Isaiah 26:4


This is amazing:

"ADONAI made me as the beginning of his way,

the first of his ancient works.

I was appointed before the world,

before the start, before the earth's beginnings………….

I was with him as someone he could trust.

For me, everyday was pure delight,

as I played in his presence all the time,

playing everywhere on his earth,

and delighting to be with mankind.


Proverbs 8:22-31

Father & Son, playing!!!!!


He knows you by name:))))

None very will be lost!

Anonymous ID: 9b8a0a May 16, 2018, 8:14 a.m. No.1430919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7638 >>2037


That does not fit DJTs character, or the plan, so sounds dumb.


This is more likely since everyonee ignores Palestine is owned by Roths and it's agents 3rd party & embedded:


Peace is coming. Israel got freed. That's the only way the Embassy moved, and now Palestine is being freed.


No one sees the real people of Palestine and Israel have always been brothers.

Who wants you to see hat Who promoted hate on these boards?

Blind hateful puppets.


Any fighting going on anywhere at this point is between freedom fighters and roth slaves and puppets.


Why? Ask who makes and finances the wars? No longer. No money, no boss and no slaves.


It's that simple.

Follow the plan not old dead horses



Iran also had its puppet strings cut.

Anonymous ID: 9b8a0a May 16, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.1430956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7638 >>2037


If Roth Zionist Cabalists Jews were still in control the Embassy would not be in Jerusalem. Israel stood up. No longer under the yoke. You should be happy about that.


New Narrative.

Don't see that?

Future proves past.