Agree. Patriots and wholesome, productive, happy families of the USSA are the treasure of the land.
No. It’s been a good run, but it is time for Righteous Men to clean the board, too to bottom, and start anew. There will be no terraforming the Swamp into something beautiful.
Indeed. Anon would be thrilled to re-implement the original Constitution of the Republic of the USA, but keeping the existing structure and institutions is lunacy. Control-Alt-Delete, reformat drive, reinstall original O.S.
Agree. Let’s do secure direct representation digitally so we can all be our own Congressmen and Senators. A two week carriage ride to Washington DC when Congress is in session is no longer necessary. Just the thought of Politicians and Administrators with their “rules for thee, but not for me!” makes my blood boil.
I bet you have “Dreams of my Real Father” on DVD.
Whatdu call me homie?
Really?…I just thought he was a CIA Science Project: the spawn of a Groid Pornographer and a CIA Agents’ Jew-Harlot daughter. The rabbit hole goes deep.
Yep. Can only know your a slave and play along for so long. Decades of this nonsense have taken their toll. Anon lives 100% sober just to hang onto last sliver of self-restraint. The collar chafes more each year.
At least it thinks of you.