Anonymous ID: 5e872a POPE, Graphic is KEY May 13, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.1398040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8108 >>8208

Anons -

Q’s drop 161 “GRAPHIC IS KEY” was never dug out. SYMBOLS, KEY….BLOODLINES

Child <10yrs w/others (M&F) @ school desks in uniforms (religious/catholic or state-sponsored?) in extreme distress/crying. SYMBOLS: UNIFORMS; on tie: UPSIDE DOWN CROSS; in hair: black BAT.


*BAT – meanings, interpretations

  • dual nature, i.e., duplicity and ‘ability to move smoothly between the different parties involved in disputes’ (e.g., wins on both sides of wars, + ++ +++?, control all countries’ central banks, etc.?)

  • close connex w/ world of darkness, death… In the art of medieval Europe it’s treated as having a strong relationship w/death and hell (Death Cult? How did the vampire legend really get associated with bats – -myths covering reals events via symbolism???)

-it can also represent longevity (Blood, Adrenochrome? Vampire myth masks rituals?)


N.B. The BAT was the original crest for the former Crown of Aragon- Barcelona. By the 14thc it was being used in crests/on arms. BLOODLINES. You can trace ancestry (not doing it in this post) and today a LOT of the elites and almost all ROYALS can be traced back to these specific BLOODLINES, including the CURRENT MONARCHY in England. Inbreeding for centuries, marriages by elites are typically power consolidation mergers. (What did Princess Diana find out and why was she running?). I found royal jewels wedding gifts 80 years ago where there is a BAT diamond brooch (>$300K value) -not a bird/bug- lower row, 2nd from left on pic. PROVING ONGOING SYMBOL. Interestingly, I also found Bacardi (pic attached) was founded in 1862 by man from Barcelona - the bat is their logo (they definitely lied about how that came to be). In addition, 100 yrs later, Bacardi supported Fidel Castro and was a GO BETWEEN with the CLOWNS before Castro took over their property in Cuba. Read up on WP. HQ now in Bermuda but are located in PR and the Caribbean. HOTSPOT.

Whatever death cults started hundreds of years ago are still ongoing NOW. BLOOD SACRIFICES HAVE NEVER STOPPED since ancient times – we only THINK they did. These blood cults can be traced through BLOODLINES (born into it), power, secret societies, associations/corporations that exist beyond lifespans, and marriages, etc.



Re: manner in which St. Peter was crucified, the Church has used the upside down cross (without a corpus, so NOT a crucifix) to designate Peter, not Christ. THE [POPE], being the successor of Peter, EMPLOYS THE SYMBOL of the upside down cross as a symbolic reminder of St. Peter's humility, heroic martyrdom. Unlike an upside down crucifix, which seeks to invert and subvert it’s meaning, there is nothing satanic about an upside down cross. (or so they say…).


Religious school or orphanage- Catholic. Schools (+orphanages?) are run by this evil cabal who sources children for pedo trafficking and worse. Nobody notices but it is right under all our noses WW. The Monarchy is Evil, many (most of the ‘born-ins’?) in elite bloodlines are Evil and if one wants to escape it, they will be sacrificed to keep the death cult going.

The POPE uses this St. Peter’s symbol, the POPE is on her tie. Is P = Pope (not just the current anti-pope, but ANY and ALL Popes – the overall hierarchy/Conclave?)? The Church, like the Red Cross, crosses many most borders and is given a lot of leeway in their ‘charitable’ endeavors. Does the Pope (or a structure within the Vatican) give ORDERS to Soros and Roths – or the other way around? The corruption and evil within the Church goes back – way back.

We cannot just fix the US when the nexus of the true evil is not actually in the US, it is entrenched, and millions WW follow religions/churches/elites/royals blindly. They worship Evil and they do not even know it!


Once you see the symbolism it is all over the place in plain view to see. They advertise it!

Attached is a link when I was looking for bats. Here’s an example painting from the mid-1400s Forget their interpretation on this d’Eyck –bats, OWL wings on an angel… was ALWAYS there. It’s blatant in a lot of Renaissance art, for sure.


THE POPE IS A MAJOR PART OF THIS EVIL CONTROL AND ALWAYS WAS. Remember, Q said treason is 1/10th. What the hell is the other 9/10ths? THIS.


Is this not NOTABLE????

Anonymous ID: 5e872a May 13, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.1398152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8170


It's still a valid Q post on his thread - why is it not deleted then? It SHOULD be is this is not a valid post. Can other anons weigh in on this?


Regardless, these symbols are all over. I stick with the conclusion.

Anonymous ID: 5e872a May 13, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.1398266   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I put a SUBJECT in the header not naming.


Q post attached that specific graphic and said all posts are connected, graphic is key.

Are you all dismissing this as an illegit Q post?

Anonymous ID: 5e872a May 13, 2018, 11:07 a.m. No.1398373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

dumbfags - this board is shit.

Where is the digging? This is not a chat site. Stop posting on AJ and JC -move on. Stop with your stupid shilling.