Don't think so.
They pretty much act like different species too. The Hasids are buying up all the old resorts in upstate NY and its horrific. Monticello is over-run and they are moving further north like locusts.
They live in crowded squalor and filth, really, the board of health should condemn them. Its disgusting. Makes Aushwitz look like the Hyatt.
Are you a zombie? If not, then they haven't done it yet. Don't get vaxxed.
Can't see Howdy Doody without thinking Comey.
Sadly some of the autists on here, pics of tits is the only females they get, maybe someday they will leave their basements and learn how to say hello to an age appropriate girl.
I think its a surveillance camera for the fenced yard, I can't tell but are they talking about cleaning floors?