Not gonna do it! Watching 1 minute of her show will drive a sensible person to be violent.
Not gonna do it! Watching 1 minute of her show will drive a sensible person to be violent.
Touchy subject!
Well Montez thought so!
His reaction says it all… dirty Jews own Hollywood. They built it, they own it, they control it!
Ok Jews, now prove me wrong!
Woman are controlled my emotions!
Why do you think there are so many crazy psychotic woman in the D party?
Which party pushes for people to change their “sexual orientation”. They want “ men” to become woman! They could care less about the woman changing to become men, that’s a sideshow to peek interest. The real goal is to demascluinize the population of the North American male.
The video I saw shows a controlled demolition. Who would want to kill so many people? Jewish or Muslim or Christian?
When does the narrative start?
Does any anon out there have info on Keith Ranierre and his NXVIM cult?
In particular, I was reading an old story of a person who was going to meet with a Senator to lobby for his business to get gov. contract(s). But first he had to “take a class” on something the night before the meeting.
Just what was it that Ranierre would “teach” to people, before meeting with a person?
Are you doing anything on your end to help or just complaining that nobody’s doing it for you?
When it’s happy!