Snogging can lead to shagging.
Clearly it's those damn antivaxxers who are refusing the jab, and putting everyone else in dangerโฆ
At least that's what [they] want people to believeโฆ kek
[They] continue to disrupt the supply chain.
Message meets Alert condition
The following intrusions were observed: Bladabindi.Botnet. PortScan.TCP.UDP
date=2021-06-25 time=01:16:58 devname=[masked] devid=ETK20084 eventtime=1624636618882334445 tz="-0400" logid="0419016384" type="utm" subtype="ips" eventtype="signature" level="alert" severity="critical" srcip= srccountry="United States" srcintf="wan1" srcintfrole="wan" dstintf="web" sessionid=12224137 action="dropped" proto=6 service="HTTP" policyid=9 attack="Bladabindi.Botnet" srcport=52814 dstport=80 attackid=38856 profile="7438" incidentserialno=193312163 msg="backdoor: Bladabindi.Botnet," crscore=50 craction=4096 crlevel="critical", attack="TCP_UDP.PortScan" srcport=52922 dstport=* attackid=38857 profile="7421" incidentserialno=193312164 msg="portscan: TCP.UDP," crscore=100 craction=4096 crlevel="critical"
The Roach Motel - You can check in, but you can't check outโฆ. well at least without it costing you dearly.
AF1 is only a designation, not any particular aircraft. FAA says any aircraft that is carrying POTUS shall get the call sign "Air Force One".
Kind of makes you go Hmmmmm doesn't it?
Looks Middle Eastern to me.