Delta Variant & Freemasonry: Hidden Occultic Meaning
A delta is a triangle.For example, the Nile Delta gets it’s name from it’s triangular shape. For Freemason’s the triangle symbolizes the Greek capital A, also referred to as the “Shining Delta.” The base of the triangle represents duration, and the two sides are depicted as equal qualities of male and female, light and darkness.
Within the mystery religion of Freemasonry the delta or triangle is the symbol of the Supreme Architect, who is Lucifer, The Light Bearer. Both the square and the compass form a triangle. a symbol of stability and the spirit world. Thus the delta is hidden from our material world. Just as the supposed Delta Variant is an offshoot of the covid-19 virus which cannot be seen.
The inverted triangle or delta is the symbol of the first degree of witchcraft. The second deeper degree of witchcraft is represented by the upright triangle. Witches and wizards traditionally write their names, followed by the number of delta’s conferred their level in the craft.
Numerology is the occultic symbiotic relationship between a number, event, and alchemy. For example ,three-times-three is the esoteric significance hidden behind the thirty-third degree of Freemasonry. Granted by invitation only, the thirty-third degree symbolizes the human head setting a top the thirty-third vertebrae of the back.
Contained within the three worlds – divine, humane and elemental is the number three, as in a three sided delta. And why it is represented in so many religions, each having its own trinity: Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet/ Father, Son, Holy Spirit/ Brahman, Visnu, Shiva/ Nimrod, Semiramis, Tammuz/ Osiris Isis and Horus.
Freemasonry unites all these gods in their oaths by identifying them with the delta. The three-sided triangle represents the entire man – body, soul and spirit. The Masons’ great work is perfecting the masterpiece, represented by the cubic rock and crowned by the pyramid-shaped stone.
The Great Pyramid of Giza contains the burial tomb of Osiris, Egyptian God of the underworld of death, life and resurrection. He was the brother and husband of Isis. First born after the creation of the world. Osiris was murdered by his younger brother Set and reincarnated by Isis, his widow/sister. After Set drowned Osiris, Isis recovered his body, only to have it stolen by Set, who then chopped it into fourteen pieces. Isis found and reassembled the thirteen body parts of Osiris… every one except his phallus. By the invocation of black magic, Isis became pregnant, eventually giving birth to her son Horus, who was her reincarnated former husband and brother Osiris.