I brought my cat to the vet and everyone there was wearing a mask. They also wanted pet owners to wear a mask. No mask necessary for the cat though.
So much nonsense.
I brought my cat to the vet and everyone there was wearing a mask. They also wanted pet owners to wear a mask. No mask necessary for the cat though.
So much nonsense.
I wonder if part of their acting classes includes, how to play dumb?
What, Fake Jews don't like Real Jews?
No. He tried to out the FakeJews and so they framed him. It's what they do.
Spate of Anti-Semitic attacks that they set up themselves. Jussie Smollett much?
Why is he talking soooo fucking s - l - o - w?
Deliberately slow.
Take your shot and stick it!
Why stop at two?
Wear ten.
Wear twenty.
Wear 100.
But then they'll say:
Now let's not be ridiculous!
When they are the ones who are being ridiculous.
But no masks are being worn by the White House press pool anymore and they are all jam packed together.