Guardian Angels
the heat is not natural.
the heat is a symptom of the targeted energy waves and field maintenance.
anons… you see this? WAR.
Bio/nano, elf/emf. Info.
no water or food on west coast…
Super Weapons (Energy Weapons) for
Inducing Earthquakes, Landslides,
Sinkholes, Snow Avalanche, and
Erupting Volcanoes
Morteza Sheshpari
Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Geotechnical Engineering , University of
Ottawa, ON, Canada, email: mshes064@uottawa.
Military and intelligence services use different types of energy weapons. Application of these energy
weapons falls in wide range including, synthetic telepathy, modifying military personnel mode and
behavior in their or enemy troops. The behavior changes could be inducing fear and anxiety in enemy
troops by weapon mounted in helicopter, air planes, installed on ground or on satellites rotating earth.
Inducing modes such has increasing brevity or self-confidence for their own troops during wars can be
their goals too. All of them are done by sending ULF signals to skull and body to manipulate neural
system according to their objective. Brain enclosed in skull which contains calcite minerals especially
with crystals by high resonance potential in ears section. They can use voice to skull technology from
far distance to communicate between military personnel by synthetic telepathy. Brain itself can
produce lots of electrical signals which can be seen in EEG test of brain. By resonating skull, ear bones
and agitating body neural system and changing brain natural electrical frequency they can even induce
synthetic dreams or nightmare in targeted personals for mind control purpose by programming the
individual for upcoming day. Apart from these energy weapons they developed other types which I call
them Super weapons and can be used for triggering earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, triggering
landslide, and sinkhole or snow avalanches. Also they can resonate structures mainly built with
concrete which contains resonant sand and gravel crystals inside the concrete and finally collapse
concrete building by fracturing it. Most important task here is obtaining building collapse resonance
frequency considering applied steel bars in them to collapse individual building. Main focus of this
paper is about application of super weapons for Earth disasters induced by superweapons.
HAARP or the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program was originated as an
ionospheric study program equally sponsored by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The main
objective of this projects was to study the ionosphere and explore the possibility of mounting
ionospheric improvement technology for radio communications and reconnaissance. HAARP (Figure
1 and 2) is a high-power, high-frequency transmitter applied for investigation of the ionosphere. A
high-power radio frequency transmitter (IRI) device functions in the high frequency (HF) band. The
IRI job is to briefly stimulate a restricted area of the ionosphere. Supplementary instruments includes
a VHF and a UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde (an ionospheric sounding instrument),
and a stimulation magnetometer which are used to investigate the physical developments that happen
in the agitated section. Lots of videos, interviews and debates have been published on websites and
youtube that HAARP is used for weather modification like creating storms and hurricanes. Hurricane
Katrina, and severe storms in Florida and Texas were due to weather manipulation. The main reasons
which can be speculated for inducing hurricane and storms are stimulating US economy through
construction and insurance industry and depopulation of poor people. However less discussion is
conducted about ability of HAARP and other super (energy weapons) in inducing earthquakes,
landslides, sinkholes, snow avalnches and activating volcanoes due to lack of knowledge and
understanding the mechanisms. Even, usually less insiders can explain and comprehend all aspects of
these projects. Secret projects conducted in places such as Los Alamos national laboratory, US
Airforce, Area 51… etc. are classified and co-workers just work on a special part of one project
without knowing what other colleagues do in other room. Then all findings are assembled by special
person(s) without knowing the details and final product which is a super weapon or energy weapon is
created finally. Final product would be similar to closed source code of windows program that
operators use it based on commands receiving from top without knowing the out coming results.
A Key crystal which create mountain belts and fault splits, located in the tectonic plates is quartz
(largely in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks by significant amount) and calcite (primarily
in sedimentary rocks). These two kinds of crystals have been organized in hexagonal structure and
indicate substantial resonance potential as a result of their hexagonal structure. Dependency among
large quartz quantity and earthquakes have been studied by Lowrey and Pérez-Gussinyé and appeared
in nature journal, 2011. Quartz and calcite minerals generate resonance because of magnetosphere
irregularity and modification in adjacent electromagnetic frequency (EMF) especially extremely low
frequency waves (ELF). The alteration in Earth magnetosphere can be as a result of natural reason
like effect of radiation in solar system or artificial that can be done by super (energy) weapons. These
alteration can cause resonance in mentioned hexagonal crystals leading to earthquakes (See video 1
and 2). Crack dispersal in earthquake faults will shape based on fractal geometrical pattern (As can be
seen in sand arrays in video 2). It means formation and activation of micro fractures in minor scale
results in formation or stimulation of macro-fractures and lastly movement of fault lines in main
trend. Quartz or calcite resonance can induce bond fractures in small scale and form micro-fractures
that activate continental and oceanic faults in bigger scale and trigger earthquakes. Chief filling
material in the middle of fault or fracture walls in active faults composed of gouge and breccia which
have substantial amount of quartz. These fillers act as a lubricant and play important role in activating
faults. Usually normal faults are activated easier than reverse and lateral sliding faults. However if
earthquake zone would have composed of different types of fault complex, movement of normal
faults will initiate movement of reverse and lateral sliding faults. HAARP and other super (energy
weapons) can modify own installed antenna arrangement in defined geometrical array and radiate
ELF or ULF to ionosphere in special elevation which finally relay backs to earth surface and start to
resonate fault materials for activation and triggering of earthquake.
The magnetic field of Earth is produced principally by a present ocean of melted, whirling liquid
iron in external core of Earth situated at 3000 km underneath surface. It yields electrical currents
comparable to dynamo and consequently a persistently fluctuating electromagnetic field. The EARTHQUAKE MAGNETIC PRECURSORS RECORDED
The magnetic field of Earth is produced principally by a present ocean of melted, whirling liquid
iron in external core of Earth situated at 3000 km underneath surface. It yields electrical currents
comparable to dynamo and consequently a persistently fluctuating electromagnetic field. The EARTHQUAKE MAGNETIC PRECURSORS RECORDED
The magnetic field of Earth is produced principally by a present ocean of melted, whirling liquid
iron in external core of Earth situated at 3000 km underneath surface. It yields electrical currents
comparable to dynamo and consequently a persistently fluctuating electromagnetic field.
FEMA just posted hirings too…
The magnetic field of Earth is produced principally by a present ocean of melted, whirling liquid
iron in external core of Earth situated at 3000 km underneath surface. It yields electrical currents
comparable to dynamo and consequently a persistently fluctuating electromagnetic field. The acknowledgement of electromagnetic activisms earlier than fault split or volcanic eruptions, typically
has been measured as a modest and functioning technique for detecting the crustal activities. Seismoelectromagnetic incidences have been suggested as a promising occurrence for short term earthquake
forecast. The Swarm mission has delivered the greatest cutting-edge survey of the geomagnetic field
and its sequential development that helps in new identifications of the Earth system. Swarm was
launched in 2010 by European space agency (ESA).The geomagnetic inconsistencies before
earthquakes are produced by momentary existence of earthquake-associated high conductivity
materials or the existence of electrical current beside faults. The Figure 3 displays differences in the
amount at which Earth’s magnetic field fortified and faded amid August 2009 and January 2010
acquired from ESA’s Swarm mission. Spaces in which variations in the magnetic field have
decelerated are presented in blue while areas that variations speeded up are presented in red. For
instance, variations in the field have decelerated near South Africa but variations speeded up over
South Pole and Haiti. The Haiti country in Figure 3 displays quick localized field variations in light
red color that is related to Haiti earthquake in January 2010 with magnitude of seven (Mw=7). This
earthquake led to 300000 fatalities. It can be inferred that this area was targeted by super (energy
weapon) ELF-ULF radiation to activate earthquake fault.
Morteza Sheshpari: “Magnetosphere Anomaly, Hexagonal Crystals Resonance And
Created Consequences For Triggering Earthquakes” Electronic Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering, 2016 (21.11), pp 4301-4304. Available at
Morteza Sheshpari: “Seismo-Magnetic Precursors Seen From Space in Magnetosphere
Anomaly for Prediction of Earthquakes” Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,
2017 (22.12), pp 4551-4557. Available at
DEW (you) see what the fuck is kraken off?
Willing to shear off the sacred C.O.W. to not be exposed…
cali, orgone, washington (weishapt?)
any more fitting examples of modern Sodom and Gomorrah than pedowood/LA, SF, Portland, Seattle? (in usa) Yeah NYC…