Anon knows it's the weekend, and this is likely a
Sisyphean task, but does anyone want to work with map ideas?
In particular the first 84 drops. We have them in a graphic of order so diligently maintained. (Thank you anon!) But we've not approached the "spider web" component. This in anon's mind is a MIND MAP.
There's plenty of software to help with the task. But really, the first 84 should be easy enough to map by hand.
Also, anon has in the past sorted these by timestamp. An old theory was that minutes (and only minutes) counted. Seconds were too hard to snag early on, and hours could vary by time zone. But minutes stand true. (image attached.) That graphic would mean taking the drops and arranging them in minute stacks.
Anon is going to focus on the spider web. Drawing lines to connect all the "Godfather III" references for example.
Will wait a minute to see if any other anon has already done this work. Also, this subject always brings the shills to (((their))) keyboards, so hang on. But it will be worth it if we finally break through.