The apparent suicide and subsequent fall out from JM’s death reminded me of something strange that happened about 18 month ago.
Back then I had a reasonable sized following on Tw@tter.
One morning whilst checking my notifications I had one,
John Mcafee mention you in a tweet.
I was curious but not hugely surprised as I’d replied to a couple of his tweets, just memes, not fanboy stuff and I’d had a like back off him.
On inspection of the tweet he’d mention my account in, it turns out he’d tagged about 30 accounts in the tweet and it was in invitation to follow another Twitter account, something like John Mcafee cryptocurrency. I can’t really remember the details of the account.
Anyway, I followed the account and then had a look at JM’s recent posts. It turns out he’d sent the same tweet out about 30 times but tagging different accounts.
30 tagged accounts x 30 tweets =900 accounts.
I thought about this for a few minutes and decided that I needed to screenshot everything, just 10 mins later everything had gone. The notification, the account that I was linked to, everything.
It’s probably not relevant to anything but I was wondering if anyone else had experienced anything similar?