She's lying. You think? Of course this kunt is going to say that. Media repeats it and repeats it and repeats it.
Late PB
Just had a thought as I sat here and watched the Gen. Milley clip on TC where Gen. Milley said "I want to understand white rage. What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this very building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America. What caused that? I want to find that out".
Hmm……………….did Gen. Milley, by saying what he said, just set the stage for the military taking over the investigation of election fraud and finding out what they already know, that the evidence irrefutably shows that the democrats, china and others did in fact steal this election and President Joe Biden is NOT the lawfully elected President and not only remove him along with everyone else who was involved and try them in Military Tribunals?
Well, I have to agree with you anon. I think the entire top tier of the military brass, the political ones, are comped. Rank and file? No, Milley etal? Yes. smfh