Anons, wouldn’t the Deep State be a bit more cautious and slow roll techno/medical tyranny if they knew the Q Group/Operation was real? They seem, especially recently, to have absolutely no concern about anything they say, do, don’t do or the obviousness of their Great Reset Extermination Plan. Are they oblivious, super-confident or do they know something about Q that we do not. The criminality is totally overt at this point…
You know what Anons, for a while I have been struggling with Trump touting Operation Warp Speed and pushing vaccines as well as all the pro-Israel song and dance he did during his four years. Ivanka and Jared being tribe-members and his being mentored by some real shady tribesmen in NYC bugged me a bit. We all know Israel is like a tick on the USA, taking financial, military and technology assets and shafting us in the process…
However, when all this Covid-19 baloney started, he was the first one to throw a sabot into the gears of the Deep-State Operation Lockstep implementation. Trump said a magic word: Hydroxychloroquine. Fauci shit a brick, covering his face and gripping the bridge of his rat nose. Brixx looked like she was going to puke on live TV. If Trump was an Agent Provocateur, he NEVER would have told us about Hydroxychloroquine. The Medical Institutions and Big Pharma did everything they could to block Hydroxychloroquine in response including destroying the factories that produce it. One in Canada prior to CV19 (the murder of the owners) and a few more blown up to present date. He's gotta be our guy. It was too big of a blow to Operation Lockstep when on day one, he gave us the protection/prophylactic.
Sound logical/true to you Anons as well? Figuring Trump has been tricky. Retreating like he did was either treason or tactical genius, like Lucy pulling the football for Charlie "Deep-State" Brown.
I still say we need a "Desert Storm" style playing card deck with all the who's who of the Q Universe. I'd buy that for a dollar.
yes. watch today's Moneky-Werx on Jew-Tube.