Don't lose the focus in DARPA/IARPA/FB
ShadowQ knewโฆ
Cute thighs
Get ready for false flags?
End of the Human Species?
>>1398825 When the end?>>1398837
With the petition webpage hacked. it's almost impossible.
The better is that exist a new social media and leave die the previous..
Maybe it's better that Don't vote
So do it.
Someone must do it
And the followers donate for to keep the page, As in the Chans.
The funny is that All these tech are destryoying the planet and us.
This is pathetic.
Don't vote so.
<We need to start brainstorming on IBOR and get a consensus then float it everywhere we can.
The IBOR is garbage for the Social Media. They don't care in nothing. The solution is to create a NewSocial Medi, As in the Chans, Eevn the people will donate for that.
The Major madnees in the history of the world.
Try Again. Where are they?. In Cali. and They don't respect the Law. for something they're so quiet. (for now). And When it's about of privacy.
The people doesn't matter a lot. it's so. Even the damage of the SocialMedia is irreparable. Tracking the population for Blackmail, espionage already is as 1984 or worse, Decent people already is tracked by US Congressmen.
They must to die, but We need a NewSocial Media. There isn't remedy.
Try Again. Even the Congress is so dysfunctional. They don't respect the law. (Constitutional Crisis?),
I don't know if November still is so. (Vote Fraud, if Still is there, Don't vote).
Even the Cloud Act in the Ommibus Bill is worse, for more backdoors to FIVE EYES
Parallel state
Until that The World is destroyed, don't forget that the hunting of Coltan is destroying the environment.
Time for Aluminium helmets..