Anonymous ID: c55f90 May 13, 2018, 11:50 a.m. No.1398760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8848 >>9142



"'The Skripal Affair: A Lie Too Far?'"




"On 4 March 2018 it was a foggy day in southern England, and the MI6 Russian spy Sergei Viktorovich Skripal and his daughter Yulia stepped out for a stroll, stopped at the local pub in Salisbury, went to lunch at a nearby restaurant, and then took a walk in the park where they collapsed on a park bench. What had happened to them? Did they suffer from food poisoning? Or was Sergei Skripal involved in some dark affaire and the object of a hit by persons unknown, his daughter being an accidental victim?"


"Momentum is sometimes like a balloon, it blows up and then it suddenly bursts. The British case against Russia began to fall apart almost from the time it was made. In late March the Russian newspaper Kommersant leaked a British PowerPoint presentation sent to eighty embassies in Moscow. It asserted, inter alia, that the British chemical weapons facility at Porton Down had positively identified the substance, which allegedly poisoned the Skripals, as a Novichok, “developed only by Russia”. Both these statements are false."


Continued fall of May.


Also JIDF (((shill))) alert: Anons, let the faggot kikes whack off to hollow 'embassy' move today - (((their))) aim is to provoke you and slide the board. REVEL in the number of jews and their pedophiliic criminals we already crushed, and WILL CRUSH in the future.



>105e2b (we see yo jew ass, faggot lol)