Anonymous ID: 8b29a4 June 26, 2021, 9:42 a.m. No.13988743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8767

>>13987270 (pb)

saw this in pb

thanks to the anon who posted

this isnotable


You may have noticed an unusual drought over most of North America

And at the same time, a historical heat wave affection all of Russia's huge territory

And then there is the NOTAM that tells pilots to avoid the vicinity of the HAARP arrays in Alaska at the same time.

I think we all know what is really going on.


For some reason the military is making the land dry out.

Do they want crops to fail???

Or could there be a more devious reason that ties in with the Q Plan?

Read this and the light will come on…


Sure, you can build secret underground bunkers without telling anybody, but can you hide the traces?

With theCLOUDLESSskies of this heatwave,


And the visibility of ground disturbances no matter how long ago


Many bunkers will be revealed directly to the satellites.

And the disturbed ground during construction, or the dump locations of the earth that was removed, will also be visible.

Not to mention knock-on effects like the heat signature of your aircon exhausts now that it is running full blast because of high air intake temperatures.




So many secrets revealed…

anon had another post, very halpful

▶Anonymous  ‪06/26/21 (Sat) 07:47:47‬ b7cb07 (2)  No.13987296

This is the SPHERE DATA from Star Trek Discovery.

And the juicy parts, namely theBlackmaildata will never be revealed in your lifetime.

It is being taken to the future for safekeeping.

You see, the CABAL (called CONTROL in the TV series) was going to release it to discredit a lot of their puppets.

They have new players waiting in the wings, so if the people want revolution

The Cabal will give them revolution to keep them enslaved.


That AI that they talk about in Star Trek Discovery or in the Terminator movies.

It is NOT computers.

It refers to Alien Intelligence where ALIEN is code for the strangers among us

The Cabal agents in the intelligence agencies operating in disconnected cells everywhere

Their subversive organization that has infiltrated everything.

These people believe incold inhuman logicand therefore they will kill 7.5 billion of us if they can, because it would make their life more comfortable.


It took a couple of years after JFK's assassination for the whitehats to organize themselves, come up with the outline of a plan to restore America, and set up their comms network.

By 1966 they were ready to begin recruiting and so, Star Trek hit the airwaves.


And where didQmake his first appearance?

A seemingly all-powerful being who has access to secrets.

Who has an inexhaustible source of energy?

And why do you think the starship looked a bit like these?

Anonymous ID: 8b29a4 June 26, 2021, 9:56 a.m. No.13988820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8912


good on ya mate

talked to anon's gop precinct executive committee member, who anon knows from a couple years

Fucking clueless about this and defending the system but has no clue what they are doing by this stance. It got pretty heated but anon stayed cool. In SC and the member didn't like the madman whatsoever and defended drew. It's going to be quite painful when good and well intentioned people realize that their life's work has been in unwitting service to satan. Anon's will be the light for some and some will just die ignorant. And likely reincarnate in hell yet again and again. It will be more painful each time until their immortal souls can get it right in this short brutal life. Can one imagine being incarnated into this life as an American and fucking it up so badly? They have every opportunity to learn, grow and succeed for their own eternal glory. And yet they blow it time and time again. Probably end up a chink peasant next time around.