Thanks anon!
Want to do what I can while I'm here. To your ending:
I've learned a lot about the mechanism behind "next time around".
We're incarnated in Earth which lasts a total of around 7,000 years (Jewish calendar, and a day to God is like a thousand years; Heaven arrives on Earth and there's a thousand years of peace while Satan's locked up, so that's the day of rest).
Second Heaven is where we "make contracts"/"buy tickets" for this experience.
Pretty sure each instance of Earth is a different one; i.e., I can't "go back" to an earlier experience but I can revert the VM to a similar state. In other words, the outer "time counter" won't revert back to when I saved the state, but it'll revert the contents.
I think Second Heaven lasts 3 trillion years based on carbon dating but that's more just a guess based on little input.
And Third Heaven is where we get to create.
Have heard of a Seventh Heaven, being "absolute bliss" but haven't heard of Fourth, Fifth, or Sixth. Still a lot to learn!
So anyway, the "Second Heaven me" is learning lessons, while having experiences here. Not exactly sure what the lessons I've come here for, are; healing appears to be one of them. Your
>Probably end up a chink peasant next time around.
inspired me to re-type what I've learned. I should probably put it up on a site somewhere, but like the ending, it's "not for everyone" I guess? I'll share it, still! John the Baptist had a gruesome ending but then he ended up in Heaven. I think? If he died while Jesus was still alive, had Jesus taken the keys to Hell and death at that point? Each answer leads to several more questions. Like, "Am I the only PC in Earth, the rest NPCs to help me learn my lesson?" A little self-centered, but then, why am I here? :)