Anonymous ID: 847155 June 26, 2021, 10:38 a.m. No.13989050   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Enlarged Perspective Part 1 of 3

a few strings towards 21 4th thing


I wish it could have been as sweet and simple as 'lock her up', 2016 chant. A great many wishing it could have been that simple now find it difficult to realize the enormity and struggle of these years… and/or… and/or decades honed down to these scant years, crux of vortex, the cross of all things connected. It was never simple. It was always long bitter trespass into future with no apparent end, huge battle, ultimate pain in end that never seems to… end. To say the least, we needed WAKING-UP, not about her guilt, their guilt, as many have long understood, but the cost and endurance required to put Elites behind well deserved bars. She, top Dem of that year, only in a manner of speaking, she certainly well deserved 'locked-up' for the many crimes she has gotten a way with, so far (if she is REALLY still alive) along with her lawless hubby Bad Boy Billy. Their criminalities clearly go back to Arkansas days, as he RAPED his way through his Top Law Enforcement slot in State, having Hilly's full and ruthless support. Then too, there was their real estate swindling, known as WhitewaterGate giving them joint profit. Their litany of massive EVILS have only grossly escalated from those formative years when and where they got away with it all as they still do. That Era, their Era of endless error, which still lingers into these exact days, I suggest calling it the Clintonian Criminalized Decades or The Thieving POTUS Era, starting in 1992, putting abrupt stop to Reagan Years (Era). Did Bush Senior ever do enough to warrant inclusion with Regan Years, or did Senior just pave way for Bad Boy? That is good and serious inquiry but not for here and now. That is right, I definitely included Bush Jr and of course Fruit-Looped Barry in with the Clintonian Era, brutal criminals all, as well as Creep, the International Crime Lord. Tag-a-longs like Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, they are there too, but none worth further mention next to the POTUSes and of course the POTUS-most-want-to-be, Hilly herself.


Clintonian Criminalized Decades or The Thieving POTUS Era, notice Miss Want-To-Be cut out, left for footnote scrap

  • Clinton stole truth and virtue from America, honor and much more from many woman, from all females collectively, who didn't deserve or want his cruel little attention.

  • Bush the lesser stole young men lives, our best and finest via war, and our tax dollars to create and maintain endless wars in which only Elites prosper.

  • Barry with endless apologies stole everything in and about America not nailed down, like liberty, equality, justice, Exceptionalism, America's heart and soul…

  • Creep stole the highest office in the land, on planet, after looting the world in any and every which way he could and dared, decades of international thievery.

Anonymous ID: 847155 June 26, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.13989055   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Enlarged Perspective Part 2 of 3

a few strings towards 21 4th thing


Unlike the common use of 'term', an 'era' has no hard line start or end, thus overlapping is not only possible but more the norm. Large scale perspective is at heart. We are still at start of TRUMP era, which you will learn to look back on with great fondness, should your fortunes for life continue for another decade or two. Do not surprise when I say we are still under the influence of Clintonian Criminalized Decades. We could talk of how Reaganomics flooded through Bad Boy years. Eras overlap. Root themes to these roughly 3 Criminalized decades is: lies, lies, lies; death for common folk by war, poverty, joblessness, depression, pestilences (Viruses like HIV/Aids and CCP); regular folk are further destroyed with excessive regulations and taxations which only serve to circulate more monies up Elite back-hip pockets enriching both corrupt politicians and their crony usurping hordes: MSM, Big Science, Big Social Media, Big Business, Big Medical… any little cabal they can corrupt to their EVIL ends, only too willing and eager to put death and destruction on our big family days and ways.


Too few count the full, double whammy impact of WAR adequately/accurately, WARISM. But we can all count on the fact that Elites do know how all the gaming adds up to their unique benefits/profits. WARISM is first and foremost the building up of Elite Prosperity, UNTOUCHABLE ESTABLISHMENT ITSELF. Secondarily, it is the ripping apart and destruction of common households, I mean yours and mine, by more taxes and regulations. Death, the claim of every WAR, means our best and finest terminated/stolen from our future. Forever their vote, their prosperity, their service and their prodigy, our legacy fully drained and damned to nothingness. Endless wars are Elite tools to terminated America's bravest and brightest future. Again, once again take full and strong note, in these exact days we live under the exploitation of Caver-N-Thief's glut for WAR, as was the same perpetuated/escalated under peace-winning-Barry. MORE AND MORE WAR is THEAMATIC under the CLINTONIANS. Also take big NOTE, only Trump ended war, deescalated, starting in all haste with NK missile crisis shoved down his throat by Barry. Furthermore, by end of first term Trump gave the world Abraham Accords looking to shut down centuries of hostilities thought impossible to end. There is no denying it, TRUMP ENED WAR, PERIOD. Clintons, Bushes, Barry, Creep are all WAR MONSTERS feasting off the fruits of destruction and death, the build up of Elite buddies. For the Clintonians, WAR was never enough, they sent our jobs out of country too… more theft… to put/keep more of us impoverished or hovering ever closer to bottom line plight. Prosperity no place to be found in America beyond Elite Circles. The start of Trump Era is unmistakable, return of PEACE and JOBS, AMRERICA FIRST, with no apology. There will be much more to come, much longer lasting with final nock down of the Clintonians, ESTABLISHMENT ITSELF. THEY ARE SOON TO FALL. Behold, Trump ERA soon opens towards complete blossom.

Anonymous ID: 847155 June 26, 2021, 11:04 a.m. No.13989262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9275

Enlarged Perspective Part 3a of 3b

a few strings towards 21 4th thing


I remember late nineties, first grasping Clinton Criminal Plotting. Bad Boy Billy mocked our Courts with silly double talking lies. I shuttered thinking on our one joint future, almost a quarter century past. Depth of decline America has suffered since, meaning the Cancel Culture Bad Boy institutionalized/internalized on America fueling massive swell and fill of DEEP DARK DANK SWAMPY STATE by like minded liars/rapists, it has only gotten far worse than worst fears suspected. I point to 2 and 3 years before Clinton terms ended when I realized hoax was on, that is, the outlying scheme to put wicked Hilly back in WH fueled by a sympathy/empathy vote, knowing she was as evil, if not more so than Bad Boy Billy. Remember, she was a big contender 2008 and only one in 2016. I saw and dreaded her threat in late nineties. 08 and 16 only filled my worst nightmares. When we yelled 'lock-her-up', it was not about any one crime, it was about a lifetime of crime… yet most of us had little handle on it all in 16, but what we did see with enough clarity was most damnable. That is why simple 'lock-her-up' worked for all. It did not matter what crime any had in mind, one remedy untied us all, 'lock-her-up'. Thwarting that coming JUSTICE has energized this past half decade. On one hand there are us common folk determined to lock them all up. On other hand, Elites determine to remain Elite, out of jail earned and deserved, thus they yelled RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, ImpeachHere, ImpeachThere, Office Steal, Office Steal… riot every city, shout Defund Police, plant corrupt Prosecutors, bribe/blackmail governors, judges and countless underlings. We stand at The Crossroad of Time. The only way they afford it all is to rip off American tax payers by billions, year after years. Of course most of Congress, already decades on the TAKE, were too eager to lock-Trump-out of DC, the one who was shutting down their arrogant slush funding. If you do not see FAT CATS just getting more FAT CAT, then you are too blind, dumb and stupid to call yourself American. Trump has made it his job to take them all down and (((THEY))) will do everything, all and anything, to avoid JUST prosecution earned and the hard-time deserved. Two ERAS clash under and over our noses in these exact days of 21.

Anonymous ID: 847155 June 26, 2021, 11:05 a.m. No.13989269   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Enlarged Perspective Part 3b of 3b

a few strings towards 21 4th thing


One Era, most evil, lingering through their final days, the other Era, the next, only now the seed of ginormous and long lasting goodness. CLINTONIANS, the whole DAMN lot of them are going down, we common folk, always the guts and glory of American goodness, are on rise once again, thanks to TRUMP. If you thought it short, simple, sweet, start to freak because it was never to be any of that. Freak out you little stupid heads… or grow up, WAKE-UP. This is not about any one criminal, this is about Law and Order fair to us all, both them and us. This is hard, long, bitter road of JUSTICE hammered out in the crucible of full and total truth, transparency. This ain't no smack Mc land of kiddy meals, toy in every hand, fast slap of happy. Get beyond such nonsense, Wake-Up. This is price of freedom, equality and justice for all. Elites give us WAR and PanDEMic. Look back with honest review. Fauci gave us ESTABLISHED NORM, rise of MORE PanDEMic. He never rose a brave/creative finger against HIS CCP VIRUS. He fought TRUMP EVERY INCH OF INOVATION. What further new quirk of devastation do they conjure for our next bad fate? Will you buy it immediately or be swift to call their bluff: another CCP Virus, UFO Hoax, MORE WAR, enlarged Race Hate Riots, Blind Religious-Like Inquisition putting Spaniards to shame? Trump leads us up long bitter road, greatest prizes ever nearer to full and lasting grasp. Time to pick sinner, ELITES or Trump. Overwhelming majority, truly grand landslide will peacefully parade every street in America, RALLIES towards our best future. We have already chosen Trump and that Victory only increases by the day as more and more shake off Evil Clintonians cobwebs. No stolen title/office can hold us down. Slow-joe can only produce a few RIOTERS, leaving behind the look and feel of WAR and PanDEMic… death and destruction to any and all found on wrong ground under their self-serving rules. That is the claim of their past, promise of more of their future. Creep's lying data can/will never march any street, flood a stadium, fill voting booths. His lying numbers can only cover truth for gullible fools. WAKE UP, embrace a far better tomorrow as we all gather and fight as one against every form of the World Power Mongers, Elites, Evil Establishment, DC/Hollywood/MSM Brutes.


We live in vortex twists, turnings and churnings of hearts for lasting, bold and bright goodness, leaving behind the evil days heaped on us by the Clintonian lot hell bent on death and destruction in any and every form. Their give-up is not to be short, simple, sweet or easy… WAKE-UP. We must take them down to lift them up into our fair courts for just hearings, all to see, fully transparent. Yes, each and everyone gets to participate, eyes on full truth. That is America Great Again, Eyes Wide Open.