Enlarged Perspective Part 1 of 3
a few strings towards 21 4th thing
I wish it could have been as sweet and simple as 'lock her up', 2016 chant. A great many wishing it could have been that simple now find it difficult to realize the enormity and struggle of these years… and/or… and/or decades honed down to these scant years, crux of vortex, the cross of all things connected. It was never simple. It was always long bitter trespass into future with no apparent end, huge battle, ultimate pain in end that never seems to… end. To say the least, we needed WAKING-UP, not about her guilt, their guilt, as many have long understood, but the cost and endurance required to put Elites behind well deserved bars. She, top Dem of that year, only in a manner of speaking, she certainly well deserved 'locked-up' for the many crimes she has gotten a way with, so far (if she is REALLY still alive) along with her lawless hubby Bad Boy Billy. Their criminalities clearly go back to Arkansas days, as he RAPED his way through his Top Law Enforcement slot in State, having Hilly's full and ruthless support. Then too, there was their real estate swindling, known as WhitewaterGate giving them joint profit. Their litany of massive EVILS have only grossly escalated from those formative years when and where they got away with it all as they still do. That Era, their Era of endless error, which still lingers into these exact days, I suggest calling it the Clintonian Criminalized Decades or The Thieving POTUS Era, starting in 1992, putting abrupt stop to Reagan Years (Era). Did Bush Senior ever do enough to warrant inclusion with Regan Years, or did Senior just pave way for Bad Boy? That is good and serious inquiry but not for here and now. That is right, I definitely included Bush Jr and of course Fruit-Looped Barry in with the Clintonian Era, brutal criminals all, as well as Creep, the International Crime Lord. Tag-a-longs like Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, they are there too, but none worth further mention next to the POTUSes and of course the POTUS-most-want-to-be, Hilly herself.
Clintonian Criminalized Decades or The Thieving POTUS Era, notice Miss Want-To-Be cut out, left for footnote scrap
Clinton stole truth and virtue from America, honor and much more from many woman, from all females collectively, who didn't deserve or want his cruel little attention.
Bush the lesser stole young men lives, our best and finest via war, and our tax dollars to create and maintain endless wars in which only Elites prosper.
Barry with endless apologies stole everything in and about America not nailed down, like liberty, equality, justice, Exceptionalism, America's heart and soul…
Creep stole the highest office in the land, on planet, after looting the world in any and every which way he could and dared, decades of international thievery.