Trump Rally
44 year delta
Elvis last concert
Don't ask me why they are connected
They just are
Trump Rally
44 year delta
Elvis last concert
Don't ask me why they are connected
They just are
That tweet was never sauced.
Seemed like it was fake and gay.
Kind of like the "I have information that will lead to the arrest of HRC" tweets that pop up as soon as someone dies (Bourdain, Hawkings, etc).
Sauce on the non existent tweet from John Macafee official account on twatter.
It isn't there.
Tweet wasn't "unverified"
It was fake and gay
Screen capture from actual blue checked account. Tweet isn't there.
Back To The Future
WE want to hear you there Anon.
Maybe you could start a chant?
Who Is Q? WE are Q.
Today is :37 by the way
Also the DARK TO LIGHT marker