UK Column 12 July
00:22 - Lockdown Will Be Lifted Except When It Won't
05:58 - Rediscover Summer With The Help Of The Government
10:31 - Multiple Variant Case Discovered Apparently In Fake News Article
17:24 - Australian Propaganda Goes Fear Porn Stratospheric
19:58 - US Considers Mandatory Vaccination
22:01 - Adverse Reaction Statistics
UKC Yellow Card: -
26:22 - CDC Offer Vaccines To Pregnant Women And Then Appears To Fake Science To Substantiate It
33:52 - When A Retracted Paper Isn't Really Retracted, Just Censored
37:21 - Vaccine Minister Thanks Corporate Vaccine Sellers
40:29 - A Sustainable COVID Recovery
44:52 - Lawyers For Liberty Serve Notices
49:22 - Vaccine Rollout Scandal
53:47 - Price Stability Is Achieved Through Inflation Says ECB Economists
01:01:56 - Carbon Credits Shell Game
01:05:00 - Censors Are Concerned That Global Tax May Hamper their Censorship Efforts
01:06:22 - Some Parliamentarians Appear To Know Nothing Including Who their Own Constituents Are
01:14:22 - EU Plans A Strategic Compass As Russia Warns of Tensions
01:18:38 - LGBTQ+ Chorus Say They Are Coming for The Children