>ASCII char for the T in THE STORM
Fren, could you please explain/explore that further?
What is that character?
How is it identified - common name - and how is it invoked - ascii code?
Decimal = 12300
= Q 1230 ?
OR 123 ?
Looking from the sticker-side of the blackbox at Shelter S, the two towers of the Westminster Abbey are down the road and then to the right, a short right.
the text on the white rabbit label
That would be the least complicated answer. But I think there is moar because of the difference between the quality of the Q dropped pic and the found pic. Also because of the text in the filename/s. Also because of the text that pointed at that particular bus shelter; and because of the additional oddity of that 'left corner' character that replaced the letter, T, that added a wrinkle to the least complicated answer, as per above.
Kek, it is right under our noses, meaning that we have moar than we know.
>>14056488, >>14061292, >>14061379, >>14061747
TY Anons re the digging into the black box pic, starting with the look backward. The reason I posted and reminded about that Q pic was because of the sticker dig on the Piccadilly pic and RED BUS pic.
L in Q 300
Unicode character flipped vertically, mirrored.
Q 300
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 913bb1 No.52122๐
Dec 7 2017 22:25:31 (EST)
Can you find a pic of Alwaleed and Hussein or Clinton or other US politicians?
Heard you can't sleep anymore.
Don't come here again.
Unicode character 12300
12th month, December
30th day, December 30, 2018.
>>14052832, >>14051906, >>14050626, >>14060563, >>14056543
10 JUL 2018, date taken no later than re proximity to posted date
11 JUL 2018, date taken no later than re posted date
27 JUL 2018, date posted Q 1725
27 AUG 2018, vidcap
DEC 2018, vidcap
30 DEC 2018, spec interp of unicode character 12300.
Or apply the Timeframe as per all other London Pics.
= 30 DEC 2013
Myself, I like the 10/11 JULY 2018 combination because of the additional info about time of day, around midnight.
Where would the moon have been in the night sky, as seen from the vantage point of Shelter S on that date at that time?
The EYE is clearly on the horizon, down the street, and the left corner character replaced the T in THE STORM.
We have noted the stormy weather that looms over the other London Pics.
That is an interdasting delta, 17 days between the posted date of the found pic versus the posted date of the Q drop.
10/11 JUL 2018, date found was posted
27 JUL 2018, date of Q 1725
Q 1725
Examine the structure of Q 1725.
The new content is the black box pic; embedded in the post are two previous posts. Q 785 is stacked above Q 784, reversing the order these two had been dropped. Also see the embedded structure of Q 1724.
Pic related.
Also look at the Q drop context, starting Q1720, running to at least Q 1727 but possibly connexion with the next few drops re missile. And then the next series of drops seems to tie-in, intuitively, but have to pause to ponder given events now underway re COVID-19. The diff between Q 1725 and 1735 is a decade of drops, i.e. ten.
Q 1735
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: dc4bac No.2313022๐
Jul 27 2018 13:13:18 (EST)
There is nothing more precious than our children.
Evil has no boundaries.
The choice to know will ultimately be yours.
These people are SICK!
To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!
You are not alone in this fight.
God bless.
Kewel possibilities.
Suppose that the position of the moon from different vantage points provided time information.
First please set time on each item in the list, by London local time zone.
10 JUL 2018, date taken no later than re proximity to posted date
11 JUL 2018, date taken no later than re posted date
27 JUL 2018, date posted Q 1725
27 AUG 2018, vidcap
DEC 2018, vidcap
30 DEC 2018, spec interp of unicode character 12300.
Next step, find time that Moon in EYE from each vantage point on each date. When can see MOON in EYE (MiE) from both vantage points, might be clue.
But really looking for deltas.
Off topic but related - Thinking sideways. The ASCII character identified as 300 and 12300. Maybe 3.00AM AND DEC 30, 0.00AM.
Messed up the pics. Disregard those pics.
>not knowing the source of the Black Box pic
Fair enough. Agreed.
Using the EST timestamps the position of the moon as seen through THE EYE from the two vantage points, EMBANKMENT bridge and Shelter S, provides some interdasting comparisons including deltas.
Transport the mooncalc settings unchanged except for relocatin at Shelter S. The moon at that time would be over the area of MI5, Millbank Tower, and more.
Talking about the transposition, not the actual time and moon position, at the date/time in the settings.
Sorry, here's the settings at the EMBANKMENT bridge re ROT1 with moon in THE EYE.
These settings were transposed to location of Shelter S.
Here is the setup for Bus Shelter S, on 27 JUL 2018 at same time as in the ROT1 setting.
Transposed back to the bridge.
Looks like it points right back to Shelter S?
With those settings, looks like point back toward the Thames at Grosvenor Bridge.
Where have we seen Gorsvenor before, frens? G, I dunno.
Lots going on in the vicinity of the area at which the setting would point re GROSVENOR. Includes the huge development at the old Battersea Power location. Also the US EMBASSY LONDON.
Unimaginable loads of $$$ connect to all of London, including the current UK PM, via BATTERSEA.
Transpose back to the bridge location of EMB, and the settings point toward the CITY OF LONDON, financial centre of the world.
Lines-up with an almost direct touch on ST PAUL'S, so, yeh, pretty much the 'other' city of London, as it were.
The EMB/CH pics incude the centre of London, as per the roundabout at the end of Northumberland and at Trafalgar, in vicinity of NZH which is in the CH pics.
The various pieces provide an odd match with the attraction sites in the Winter Wonderland layout of 2013/2014, Sandmap, revisited.
Ok, I will be the first say that this could be a bit like swinging a cat by its tail, or the metaphor invoked by such an expression.
Yet, coincidences are piling up. First, please, frens, check the graphics for errors I may have made.
Relocate to Bus Shelter S, change date to 10 JUL 2018, keep time of day from ROT1 lunar info/setup.
Right, so now with those settings, from vantage of Bus Shelter S, the moon in in THE EYE, on 10 JUL 2018, at the same time setup for ROT1 from vantage of the sec cam.
What do you think, fren? If we are even close to the correct time of day for the view from the bridge in the EMB pics, re the moon in THE EYE, and that can be transposed as such, and the setup points to relevant locations, then, it might circle back to validate the lunar analysis of the EMB pics.
So, on one hand, maybe circling back is confirmation but on the other hand it may point to an intrinsic error in this process. IDK.
The swinging cat metaphor is pretty much the story for all kinds of things in great cities like London, but โฆ coincidences.
The next step, and I am racing ahead a bit here, frens, but the next step would be to seek the deltas by way of the movement of the moon.
For example,
The same time of day in both, but different date on the calendar. Same year.
Now, from the vantage of a given location, the 'arch' of the now fictive moon goes from in THE EYE to being over GROSVENOR BRIDGE area; this might represent an interval applicable between the locations of the RED BUS pic and the EMBANKMENT pics. Perhaps hours, or days, or IDK.
What coms to mind, unbidden, is the notion of ancient buildings constructed to align with certain 'undiscoverd stars' based on well-documented movements of objects in the night sky, dawn sky, dusk sky. Not saying this is about clocking the movements of the SIX TARGETS. But perhaps it might be mapping six targets of a different sort.
What geometric figures include six points/targetrs?
I will pause here. Must go back to use skeptical eye back to the details in camera frames and the details we have uncovered and substantiated. While I may be overly biased, can trust fellow diggerz and UK Anons to tetther all to hard facts and sound reasoning.
>we could use the small number of UK drops to our advantage when trying to decode the connections.
That is brilliant. And, based on what we learn with the London Pics, might be applicable moar broadly in digz far afield from this current focus. Tools developed, tools shared.
Streetmap is marked-up to help figure the locatin to use in mooncalc. I chose to ensure that NIOC was used in the identifier so location is a bit over the edge of the sidewalk/building barrier.
Might these various drawn lines, all fictive, really, provide means to triangulate on targets? The notion being that a pattern might be discerned to extend from what is directly discovered to what is yet to be discovered, future proves past.
Fren, I have put together in one large image file all of the London Pics, plus closely related, but it is too large to post intact.
Here is the thumbnail, for a bird's eye view, but it will be tough to read. When I have a moment will post the big image in reasonable pieces.
Actually, I would like to ask bakes if we could setup a UK bread that is related, used in this way, to post the 'map' of London Pics. That way we can link to it and go to it for closer inspections. And not loose the images as we see to do in old breads.
Let me know so can proceed with the MAP.
Right, take steps back and follow a moar structured approach. Agreed. Like that.
DEC 23 is eliminated for which decisive reasons, fren? Good to nail that down at the outset. This would refer to the dark hours across 23/24, correct?
Keeping our path tidy means others can follow easier, later.
WW was scrubbed for, yes, coz the park was shutdown in anticipation of the windstorm.
I think that weather also eliminates other pics altho the wind picked up in the dark afternoon skies of the 23rd. The attached pic is stamped, 16:29 - 23 Dec 2013.
Don't know if possible to protect such a new bread dedicated to the London Pics MAP. Don't want shitposting and the usual suspects to undermine the point of it. It really should start with the drops and possibly lists of timestamps and such. Less analysis or commentary. Saving that for regular UK breads. Makes this a reference. If not a dedicated bread, then, something along these lines for that purpose.
We can take our time to do that part right.
On a personal note, just learned of death in immediately family. Will be away for some time.
God Bless you all.
Frens, we have unfinished hunting.
What accounts for the differences in what I can view, at this time, and what anon had previously posted several days ago?
Timestamp specifically.
Q 1725
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1c461b No.2310964๐
Jul 27 2018 11:14:47 (EST)
Frens, how might the high quality image have been found AFTER the lower quality, prolly screenshot, had been dropped by Q? Can that search/find be replicated today, or not?
Feels gifted.
Q drop = Jul 27 2018 11:14:47 (EST)
"Anyone put this up yet?"
= 07/27/18 (Fri) 14:08:07
Same day, morn v afternoon.
Delta = 2 hrs, 53 mins 20 secs
So, you start with the lower quality/ screenshot. How do you search and find the higher quality image? Can that be done today? If not, why not?
TinEye, no joy, today. Back then, JUL 2018, don't think so but?
Work from the original to the Q drop, forward.
Future proves past?
Later on revisiting the low v high quality pics, dug through other clues.
How were those links rediscovered?
So, there was the Q drop and the anon drop about 173 minutes apart.
Later, UK revisited, General re-discovered via the hints that lead to the various links, including a Reddit that had fallen into disuse after very little use.
And now we can re-visit through the old UK bread that prompted the dig in Gen bread of the same time.
Questions raised because the two version of blackbox tell us different things. Related DNA, natch, one the progeny of the other, sure, and yet the convoluted path of discovery is a bit of a taunt.
Might this series of 'events' suggest a comm, back and forth, a returned ping? Other explanation/s? Seems something hidden in plain sight as we scurried to carry on AFTER being gifted.
Q drop = question.
Anon higher quality post = question answered.
Plausible or stretch, IDK.
It may come down to hand-to-hand. Can be riskier, in some dimensions, and can be moar effective. The cost/benefit directly related in proportion.
As per FLYNN, we are at war and the country appears not to have realized. If this is the result of infiltration, not invasion, it is beginning to feel a lot like an occupation spreading across the land.
But the battles are fought in the mind, first and foremost, and illusions are a prime weapon that shifts the perception of upper and lower handedness.
Perception vs reality.
FORCED shot = reality?
Majority already shot = perception?
Gasllighting is not a game.
UK frens, we have been relentless, plodding, meticulous. We may soon need to expedite at cost of thoroughness. Thank God we have gained so much already and are the brink and the end of the beginning has accelerated the way forward.
Breathe. Ready. We are prepared.
DEC 24/25/26.
Map will become target. Multiples necessary. Diversions/distractions necessary.
That gut feeling is what will keep you 'alive' inside the map and on the map.
Bless you all.
Archive everything relevant.
Frens I think that at the moment we need to each take initiative to set aside an explanation and graphics/vids at our disposal. Don't discuss the location at which you will make your effort on this, but wait until you have much of it done to let anons know where to find it.
I will focus on the vids but please take action on the decisive images and graphics; and document what you know of our digs, the paths taken, as well as the factual results. We will have time enough for connections and conjecture in short time.
We may not have the time and resources to be as thorough as we have become accustomed to in our efforts in the UK breads. This is not a bugging out but think as if you are taking the essentials that you can carry with you. Take necessary steps, asap, and we will regroup in few days.
This is not panic station but preparation and solidification of the hard work that go us as far as we are today.
God Bless Patriots
Best to disperse and network to integrate later. We have our lessons learned and training/skills to do what is needed short term. Better to act now and then talk later frens. We are the calm before the storm, yes? Quiet is as much a state of being as it is a message carried/sent.
Re LBP dig.
Shot across the bowS, Fren.
Attention on deck.
There is an active war on your mind.
Be [p]repared.
Ope[r]ations underway.
Operators [a]ctive.
Graphic is essential.
Find the ke[y]stone.
Moves and countermoves.
Mueller Report's 1st and 10th FNs. '40 FBI' assigned. Distinctions based on who controlled/controls.
Airport in LBP = reverse views from landings
Basins = updates marking time
Hotel was here, not there, here
Bridges = connecting people
London in LBP
LBP in London
[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.
Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.
Attached gr[A]phic is correct.
Linked graphics are incorrect and false.
Graphic is necessary and vital.
Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.
Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.
Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True
Why was this necessary?
What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?
Why is this relevant?
Think mirror.
Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.
What is a map?
Why is a map useful?
Meaning of missing the letter in C_A. What/WHO is I? Where is CA? Alternate if not I? Q128 did not miss I.
Map. You are here.
Not there. Here.
What is meant to be a guide in London Pics?
2013/2014 narrowed to 2013.
2015/2016 narrowed too.
Can not read [between] the lines.
What do good actors do?
Archive everything, fren.
>34 months and change
1st, 10th, 40
FEB 2016, basin and change
JUN 2016, pier and change
Hotel 25/52
This is not a game.
[NP 8:11 โSpeaker [xxxxxxx] your protection againstโฆโ]
[JD 8:13 โ[ABC] has an interest in thisโฆโ]
[NP 8:14 โโโโโโโโ Pier 39โฆโ]
Delta taken/dropped.
>Delta taken/dropped.
34 month-[plus]
[plus] includes FEB/JUL2016 interval.
But see OCT 2015 vid.
Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.
Unknowns/unconfirmeds are subject to future proves past. Archive at this moment, analyze later, more to come soon enough.
Not lack of intelligence [here] because [I] [is] [here]. Lack of eye, same, re Q 128.
Q 127
Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.
(s) (in full) (1)
sinfullone, SINFUL LONE, sinful L1
Q 1423
[6] surv [value targets].
What if there were [7]?
Or more?
If you were one of them, who would you count as excluded/included?
Sin full 1
When does a bird sing?
Q 753
Think image drop.
Think OP.
Think United.
When does a bird sing?
Everything has meaning.
For emphasis.
Q 153
Follow the money.
When does a bird sing?
Q 391
Twitter rants can be harmful.
Lesson learned?
How about SIERRA_C?
How about ($22/Singapore)?
When does a bird sing?
Goodbye C.
Q 3418
What city was Epstein arrested in?
Watch CA.
For emphasis.
q 1721
Keep your promise.
This is not a game.
For emphasis.
Keep your promise.
Also, read below re mortal sin.
Q 1368
Allison Mack [NXIVM] arrested [date]?
When does a bird sing?
Schneiderman resigns [date]?
Eyes Wide Open.
Who will be next?
Watch NYC.
Watch CA.
For emphasis.
For emphasis.
Eyes Wide Open.
For emphasis.
[C]oordinated cont[I]nue gr[A]phic.
Read mortal sin below.
No turning back.
7 Deadly Sins
Note misinformation in above news reports
Think Godfather III.
What is state of mortal sin, re Catechism?
Not a literal reading in Q text but the drift is clear.
knowingly โ committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent.
requires full knowledge and complete consent. It presupposes knowledge of the sinful character of the act โฆ also implies a consent sufficiently deliberate to be a personal choice. Feigned ignorance and hardness of heart do not diminish, but rather increase, the voluntary character of a sin.
Sin committed through malice, by deliberate choice of evil, is the gravest.
There are no limits to the mercy of God, but anyone who deliberately refuses to accept his mercy by repenting, rejects the forgiveness of his sins and the salvation offered by the Holy Spirit. Such hardness of heart can lead to final impenitence and eternal loss.
Q 1455
London pics [prev].
Year determined?
Find the markers [street/surroundings updates]
You have a choice.
SIS 'good' agents.
The time is now.
Contact window(s) [GOOD]
What is the point of confessing if I don't repent?
I hear you are a practical man. What do you have to lose?
I betrayed my wife. I betrayed myself. I killed men. And I ordered men to be killed. Agh, it's useless. I ordered the death of my brother. He injured me. I killed my father's son. [Sobbing]. I killed my father's son.
Your sins are terrible. And it is just that you suffer. Your life would be redeemed but I know that you don't believe that. You will not change.
Cardinal prayed in Latin a shortened version of the prayer of asbolution.
Et ego te absรณlvo a peccรกtis tuis in nรณmine Patris, et Filii, + et Spรญritus Sancti.
The part missed - Deus, Pater misericordiรกrum, qui per mortem et resurrectiรณnem Filii sui mundum sibi reconciliรกvit et Spiritum Sanctum effรบdit in remissiรณnem peccatรณrum, per ministรฉrium Ecclรฉsiรฆ
indulgรฉntiam tibi tribuat et pacem.
Translated, the shortened version.
And I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit.
Translated the missing portion.
May God, the Father of mercies, Who through the death and resurrection of His Son has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit for the remission of sins, through the ministry of Church
grant you pardon and peace.
Do not rely on theology.
What is a Cardinal sin?
Who was known as The Cardinal?
Who infamously 'absolved' HRC?
And others?
What are venial sins?
Q 120
(or mental health c-level attack)
Q 121
I ordered the deaths of men.
You will not change.
Follow the script/pen.
Did Michael trust his confessor?
Did his confessor understand the danger?
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 9ddda6 No.1813048๐
Jun 19 2018 10:53:55 (EST)
LP โViva Le Resistance.โ
Viv[a] vs Viv[e]
[J C]
Why classified by intel comm @ highest level?
Define title.
Define role w/ Mueller.
Exchange shelters VERY senior member.
For emphasis.
No punctuation.
No indication of attribution.
Source text, not attributable to Lisa Page.
What was missing from [J C] ?
No underscore.
Just space.
Missing P.
Q 999
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No.884858๐
Apr 3 2018 19:49:59 (EST)
The "Chair" serves the Master.
Who is the Master?
P = C.
JPC is not P.
JCC is not P.
POTUS tweet supplied p.
Note, lowercase p.
For emphasis.
No letter, no underscore, no placeholder.
Space/distance between two characters.
Lisa separated from Peter.
When does a bird sing?
What if there were more than 6 targets?
For emphasis.
No punctuation, no attribution, not Lisa Page.
No space between characters.
J C, space between characters.
P = C
Q 1742
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3574eb No.2325487๐
Jul 28 2018 12:48:46 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 6c86f4 No.2325302๐
Jul 28 2018 12:35:58 (EST)
SEC will investigate. Facebook sell off.
Insider trading suspected.
Peter Strzokโs Wife is lead SEC Investigator
Follow the family.
Think texts between PS/MH.
Think past settlements.
They have infiltrated every senior critical position.
The Circle.
For emphasis.
Exchange shelters VERY senior member.
For emphasis.
They have infiltrated every senior critical position.
They have infiltrated e[very senior] critical position.
What exchange?
LP โViva Le Resistance.โ
Viv[a] vs Viv[e]
[a] vs [e]
a swapped with e, exchanged
Incorrect - โViv[a] L[e] Resistance.โ
Corrected - Viv[e] L[a] Resistance.
What exchange?
Define title.
Define role w/ Mueller.
Senior vs junior.
Upper vs lower.
title vs role
symbol vs actual
Re-think LP
Re-think J C
Upper case, senior.
Lower case, p vs P.
J C needed uppercase P
Use p from POTUS tweet.
Use upper of LP to transform p to P for JPC.
Lose P in LP, leaves L alone.
Corrected - Viv[e] L[a] Resistance.
Not correct in full.
More corrected, La = la
So, exchange upper with lower case, again.
Vive la Resistance.
Upper = Senior.
Lower = junior.
Role vs title/status.
Exhange shelters VERY senior member.
They have infiltrated every senior critical position.
Infiltrate, exchange, upper/lower.
When kompromised, upper becomes lower.
Lower becomes upper.
Think 'driver'. Think 'waiter'. Think recruiter.
Think 'handler'. Think conductor.
Double decker London bus, two-man operation, driver upfront and conductor on back open platform. Long RM. RML.
Who is the Route Master?
Think 40,000 ft view vs 6,000-8,000 ft view.
Dispatch Control >
Mark 4.45
Q 128
Future provides past.
Map provides picture.
Picture provides 40,000ft. v.
40,000ft. v. is classified.
Why is a map useful?
Think direction.
Q 189
The โcultโ runs the world.
Fantasy land.
The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).
20% public.
80% private.
The world would otherwise collapse.
40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid โconspiracyโ label.
Was necessary.
For God & Country.
Q 128
Think mirror.
Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: /jAm9Qi+ No.149140639๐
Nov 12 2017 14:52:34 (EST)
Patriots donโt sleep.
40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.
Paint the picture.
Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).
Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST.
Many cannot/will not swallow.
What is No Such Agency - Q group?
Who has clearance to full picture?
SIS is good.
+++Adm R+++
What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?
How does POTUS shift narrative?
(New) Age of Enlightenment.
80% covert.
20% public.
Q 129
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Dx5TPc5d No.148781546๐
Nov 9 2017 23:24:35 (EST)
[C]los[I]ng [A]ct:
Impossible to clean.
Operations โ [N]o [S]uch [A]gency
Q 4648
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 01bac9 No.10592228๐
Sep 10 2020 15:28:16 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 7a021e No.10591965๐
Sep 10 2020 15:15:24 (EST)
Q, you always seem to post exactly when I'm most down. Hive mind. Thank you, and God Bless.
Find peace [solace] through prayer.
There are good people standing behind you.
Have faith in Humanity.
Have faith in Yourself.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
God bless.
For the record as reference.
Private Hire
Shiny Panels
More Shiny Panels
building the bus
last ever ROUTE 15H
Run In
The Number NINE
routeMASTER Dispatch is a powerful cloud based Traffic Management System. Jobs of any type can be created, edited and deployed to vehicles from an easy to use, customisable traffic view screen. All operators are synchronised so everyone works from the same plan no matter where they are physically located.
routeMASTER Dispatch can function stand-alone, integrated with existing TMS systems via our API or using one of our connection plug-ins to synchronise data between systems automatically without the need for csv files or manual updates.
The routeMASTER Dispatch app is available for Android and iOS, enabling drivers to log in and view their days work. Job statuses can be set for live updates to the office, job notes can be entered and customers signatures can be captured and electronically sent, all using your existing smart phones.
Flush them out.
Q 381
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03c2f4 No.127154๐
Dec 19 2017 18:00:02 (EST)
We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.
We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.
Q 108
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156129๐
Nov 5 2017 20:03:07 (EST)
Anonymous ID: cxbjPd3x No.148155375๐
Nov 5 2017 19:57:48 (EST)
Checked and phoneposting, excuse the post count. The first "extraction order" referenced 0200 Zulu time, it was 0200 Zulu when I posted my response. I was saying that 1.5 hours would be plenty enough time for anyone to hide if they needed to hide, so if it was real info then whoever posted it just broke opsec in a pretty bad way.
Nothing is as it seems, Anon.
What occurred?
It flushed BO out.
Why is that relevant?
Analyze time stamps of my go message to BO's Tweet.
For emphasis.
FIRE to flush them out
>What if there were [7]?
>Goodbye C.
>Everything has meaning. [I]
>[A]llison Mack
>7 Deadly Sins
>What is the point of confessing if I don't repent?
>Who was known as The Cardinal?
>Did his confessor understand the danger?
>J C, space between characters.
>Insider trading suspected.
>The Circle.
>a swapped with e, exchanged
>Lower = junior.
>Lower becomes upper.
>We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.
James Brien Comey Jr.
Exchange, e/a.
J C, no underscore, just space.
LP, no space but title vs role.
Junior vs Senior.
Seรกn ร Braonรกin.
John O Brennan.
Doubts, panic, self-inflicted errors, more panic, and so on.
>>14135216, >>14139271, >>14139359, >>14148581, >>14149295, >>14150108, >>14150139, >>14150267, >>14150342
Analysis incomplete.
Many strands not enough learned.
More than we know.
The Circle.
>They have infiltrated e[very senior] critical position.
>What exchange?
>LP โViva Le Resistance.โ
>Viv[a] vs Viv[e]
>[a] vs [e]
>a swapped with e, exchanged
They have infiltrated [e][very senior] critical position.
They have infiltrated [a] [very senior] critical position.
Exchange shelters VERY senior member.
critical position = title
role = VERY senior member
>>If you were one of them, who would you count as excluded/included?
>Potentially, I suppose, lawyers/aides/diplomats - people not directly involved in the planning/true intentions. Some things may have *appeared legit to outsiders.
Different emphasis.
What if instead of 6 there were 7 or more targets which each of those targets would know about. But then Q says 6 high value targets, meaning, one or more high value targets have been neutralized in some manner or could be dangerous to the other 6 targets.
Who's talking?
When does a bird sing?
> LP
Whence the deciphered B?
Compare with J C, JPC.
Who is B?
VERY senior member.
Member of what [body]?
Title v Role.
How did VP Biden describe his role in Hussein Admin? Cup and lip.
Who or what is B?
>Cup and lip.
>L P
LP, no space, no separation
Listen carefully
Exchange shelters VERY senior member.
What is a member?
Member of what body?
Title v Role.
What country's leadership panicked over DECLAS, as per 45's public hints? Where was RR at the time?
What is the relationship between CAN-US?
Define big brother.
Title v Role.
Exchanges do not always shelter.
Class Action
Remote connection and yet accountability is a central theme of Q messages re nothing will stop what is coming.
>near match on a musical that ended in MAY of 2014
The small awning sign is quite grey in shade and colour. Could it be a blank, IDK. It looks awfully close to the colour of the tour bus info signage on the pole that blocks the left side of the ticket kiosk. Don't think it is part of that signage but โฆ metallic suggested.
Another thought. In the history of SV images of the kiosk, the end of the structure had been used as an opening for interaction between inside vendor and customers. Not exactly a door but a very tall window-opening. Not sure if the flank that faces the sidewalk is open or not in the Q pic. It looks closed and covered with large posters. But that is also so for the end, under the small awnings, in that pic. This to suggest that the kiosk may have been closed, perhaps too early in the day, or some other reason. No other indication in the pic that this was very early morning, but the pedestrian traffic might seem heavier due to the line-up for the bus and people mulling about for their tickets or meetups. Just a thought.
Now that I think on this, can't recall seeing the kiosk flank open, at all, in all the pics and vids have examined. The end under the awnings, only rarely open.
Now wondering if it is an active kiosk or merely a bilboard stand that resembles a kiosk. Hmmm. That would put the awning in a differently light, I think.
Posted before, series of snippets from vids showing that scene on the corner.
Take close look, APR 2012
Posted before, series of snippets from vids showing that scene on the corner.
Take close look, APR 2012
MAR 2015, for comparing time of year
19 JAN 2013, time of year, multiple clips from different times of that day, same scene, 360 degrees.
The JAN 2013 vid shows that early in the day, traffic is very light at Piccadilly Circus, which may hint at potential matching with the two Piccadilly Pics; and you can see how traffic, especially pedestrian, builds across the clips that document different times of day.
Each of thse vids is like pointing your toe on the mark, leaning forward, throwing, and hitting the outer edges of a dart board. Not quite on the bull's eye, but doubles and triples can count too, Kek.
Here is the original vid showing 19 JAN 2013 at multiple times of day; the original included a night view, 6.30PM in JAN that wasn't in the previous edited version.
Mark 6.27 into the vid
So in that sequence, the side under the small awnings was closed 8AM, open 12noon, closed 2PM and 6.30PM. 19 JAN 2013 was a Saturday.
12noon, mark 3.36 into vid
Piccadilly Circus, summer 2013, sticker residue on sign, over the 'S' of Trafalgar Square, Britannia side of the street.
Piccadilly Circus, for reference, almost a sideview of the Q pics, camera vantage is in front of the entrance to Ripley's. Shows the pedestrian areas - the crossings and the sidewalk - in front of and around the railed entrance to the tube.
Might even show the position of the camera that took the Q pics. Very nearly.
Not a great deal of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the scene so useful as a reference.
Piccadily Circus, view of pedestrian area in front of Ripley's, looking toward the left frame of the Q pics, vantage approximatey the middle of the Q pics, on sidewalk. Reference.
Coventry Street, no overhead light decorations.
The cruise was a two-day weekend event, on what night was this recorded? In 2014, the weekend of 25/26 would have been the closest to the posted date of the video, 30 JAN 2014. Some views of Piccadilly Circus, also.
Mark 9mins34secs get a jolted view of the overhead position of the decorations โ which are absent in this video.
This confirms that the RED BUS pic was taken before, at least, weekend of 25/26 JAN 2014.
Also, note that the blue police watch tower was removed by the time of the night of that video.
The small evergreen trees over Cool Britannia were also changed by the time of that event.
Snippet from description of a second vid of that night.
Spanning 2 days, this cruise was set up for a good cause, and as a tribute to the late Paul Walker, a fantastic actor well-known for his role in the Fast and Furious films. Hosted by my friends at Kream Developments, they raised ยฃ3250 for Paul Walker's ReachOutWorldWide charity. So an excellent result from an excellent weekend!
In this pic can see the sidewalk side of the ticket kiosk. Ratcher lacking in colours to match with the RED BUS pic. Could be the lighting, but the mismatch suggests the Q pic was taken BEFORE this event's weekend date in JAN 2014.
RED BUS pis, ticket kiosk, view from middle of junction.
Source - vid taken of mid JAN 2014 event. Needs to be dated more precisely.
Noice find. That event occured in mid JAN 2014. Needs to be dated more closely. This pictorial evidence provides a bookend before which the RED BUS and the PICCADILLY pics were taken.
No overhead light decorations.
Changes in trees at CB.
Also, no police watch tower as per NYE vid which also showed the overhead decorations.
Combined, the NYE vid and these two vids of the Walker tribute cruise, the pictorial evidence reinforces the chronlogical unity of the RED BUS and the PICCADILLY pics that Q dropped.
So we have a solid bookend plus a means to link three Q pics in terms of chronology.
SEQUENCING is another matter. The closeup Piccadilly pic appears to be a second or so AFTER the wider angled pic of that scene. The man crossing the street is about 3-4 strides from position in the close-up; the taller man in the middle of the wider angled view takes broader strides and was beyond the left edge of the camera frame by the time of the close-up view. Just a few strides apart, both the two men and the two Q pics.
They were walking toward the tube entrance; but could have been heading down Coventry toward the location of the RED BUS pic.
The camera in these three pics might have been one and the same given the dimensions of the frames. Although there are candidates re security cameras on storefront walls, we can not yet rule out a camera on legs.
Or one at each scene. Not sure that the mechanics of capturing the images would provide info or insight into the intended Q comm inherent with the drops. But analysis of camera formats might be worth while if Anons are inclined. London PICS include several formats.
For emphasis will add that am leaning toward the NYE vid images having established a more tight bookend for the RED BUS pic. I think the police tower is that bookend so if we can find images of it prior to NYE we could really narrow the interval. On this premise, propose a bookend pre 31 DEC 2014.
I think we were heading toward such a BOOKEND anyway, but just wanted to reinforce the notion. This falls well within the Timeframe of Winter Wonderland.
It strikes me that this Timeframe, as Q put it quite precisely, may apply to the London scenes BUT may not be limited to just these pics. Winter Wonderland very likely has other significant meanings as a phrase, event, concept.
Always have thought that the set of London Pics is a key that unlocks much of the broader map. And that key is within the coherency of the set, as a whole. So we have been immersed in the details within the frames, and that has been vital to dating these scenes, but it may be appropriate to pull back and search for that coherency, unity, overarching structure within which is the keystone.
Progress on archival and final cuts well underway, frens, and hoping for splash landing in safe waters soon enough. Your preparations will be very important in future proves past, I think. Even if I am mistaken, the effort to consodlidate through dispersal will be very productive in broader terms.
TY Frens, one and all.
Dig. Follow your feeling. Hunches have led to significant finds.
Initials JPC emphasized in Q posts.
What is known of JPC.
What is unknown.
Where are the deadends.
Metaphorically, what is a bollard?
Think E. Costello, watching the detectives.
Also, accidents will happen.
Bollard v Police van, reference only.
Motorcylcist witnessed.
Sidewalk side of the kiosk.
Moar and moar, am thinking it is not an actual ticket vendor location but a poster box inside of which are suppies and workspace to prep poster changes.
Fren, there are major ticket vendors at Piccadilly Circus and in Leicester Square and throughout SOHO. The theatres sell tickets. Then there's the telephone and online services. This kiosk at that location seems awfully quiet in all the vids and pics I've poured over, compared with other ticket vendors on sidewalks and so on. Now, there are people who carry brochures and sell tickets on foot in various locations includding Leicester Square; some wear billboards or something of the sort to promote. Suppose some are scalpers, IDK.
Probablly doesn't matter to our efforts, overall, just a curiousity.
30 JAN 2014
7 FEB 2014
Posted date of vids, 30 JAN and 7 FEB 2014.
Date of the main event, 18 JAN 2014.
Weekends during JAN 2014, 18/19 and 25/26.
Leaning toward 18/19 JAN 2014 with the 2nd day being the likely date of the night event in the videos in London.
Proposed bookend based on the Walker RIP event in streets of London, SUNDAY 19 JAN 2014.
Less firm would be the NYE bookend re the vid on night of 31 DEC 2013 which showed lights overhead and the police watch tower; less firm because don't know how long overhead lights were in place after NYE and likewise the tower. The vids on 19th showed neither marker. however there is still room for doubt which leaves first two weeks of JAN 2014 which have not been eliminated, yet.
Upshot is that need images showing no overhead lights and no watch tower after NYE but before 19 JAN 2014.
And to eliminate the week after Christmas week, need images showing the watch tower in place or some other marker, such as posters at the kiosk for example, that would not be within the camera frame of RED BUS pic.
That would define the NOT AFTER bookend of the interval. Worth noting the progress made since establishing 23 MAR 2014 as a bookend months ago. We've narrowed the interval by about 60 days - eliminating most of MAR and all of FEB and now the latter part of JAN 2014.
>>14220352, >>14220431, >>14220578
Actually, perhaps the opened small awnings is a gud indication that there is someone working the kiosk, in whatever capacity, and it does appear that there is a small awning opened in the RED BUS pic. At times the awnings are seen down.
Kek, maybe we need to ask for the vendor's hours of attendance. Some things are very regulated, so maybe there are limitations on occupancy hours there. Could be a CITY thing.
For now, based on awnings, maybe the best we do is time of day.
>the side under the small awnings was closed 8AM, open 12noon, closed 2PM and 6.30PM. 19 JAN 2013 was a Saturday.
As per a vid that showed 360 view of the scene.
SATURDAY 12noon, mark 3.36 into vid
Possible KIOSK reference image, OCT 2014.
Another reference, 23 NOV 2014.
The largely greyish version of the poster featured Headley, but it is a gud candidate for matching the greyish poster on the small awning in RED BUS.
>From 9 September the show's first major cast change took place with soul artist Beverley Knight taking over the role of Rachel Marron and Tristan Gemmill as Frank Farmer. The show initially extended to March after Knight took over but later extended booking to 30 August 2014.
SEP 2013 - AUG 2014 is broad enough to include the narrowed interval.
Was there a similar greyish poster featuring Knight, during Christmas week or thereabouts? Or would the old poster remain on display because Knight was a temporary replacement?
Moar directly, can we find images that show this greyish poster on the awning during or close to either side of the narrowed interval of RED BUS?
Actually, appears the Knight was replaced start of JUN 2014. Minor details but โฆ accuracy. Burke had a short run as the show closed end of AUG 2014.
2012 image is relevant to the awnings. When awnings are open, the kiosk is occupied.
2020 image is less relevant but looks more like a vendor booth due to increased security on the walls which takes real estate away from posters.
There is a larger kiosk at the corner by KFC which is like the one at the tube entrance by the old Ripley's. These sell bus tours tickets and disperse maps and other info about stops on those tours. Also have better secured openings. In addition, the KFC location has the tour bus stop at which ticket sellers were stationed to sell tickets to peole who lined-up at that stop. Sometimes the personnel can be seen over at the two bus stands across from the Thistle Hotel during their shift changes - drivers, guides, ticket sellers.
Noice finds, fren.
Very noice observs.
roll-ups posterized
awning positions
open/closed openings re occupation
So comes down to a time of day thing. At the moment, feels dissappointing, coz want to narrow the interval, but this may come into play as yet moar evidence/ observs are gathered and so it may mean much moar.
Chrimstmas 2014
Big Moon over Thames, behind THE EYE.
Just another view pre-EMB pics.
Does the water match the Q pics?
Screencap from vid posted 23 DEC 2013, twilight.
The vid pans the sky behind Hungerford Bridge and behind THE EYE showing moonless sky at that time of day. So gud ref.
Note the rather gloomy lighting on the TATTERSHALL CASTLE and on the footbridge, too.
Anything to be discerned from the tidal height at that time of day? Estimating about 4PM, middle to late December 2013. Traffic looks light.
Will look, fren.
Think we've all had experience like that, which drives home the purpose of archiving everything of note from UK breads.
Might you repeat the request from your email sauce? Might be worth a try.
Here is another gud ref vid which walks us through the Piccadilly Circus and RED BUS scenes and beyond into the Square. Not in the target time interval but the camera moves right through the areas that were inside the frame of Q pics in that area. Also gives a rough idea of the pace of a normal walk from Circus to the bus stand at Whitcomb.
Have searched high and low for something like this for DEC 2013 or very nearly. So gud refs come in handy as comparisons.
Summer 2021.
In sum, the vid posted above presents the moon and the tide in an illustration of how the scene would have appeared a short time perhaps hours before ROT1. May not be down to the actual night but if we peg it at mid to late DEC 2013, the vid would be a plausible just-before ROT1 recording of the scene within the target interval?
Or is that too much of a stretch? Thinking it could be useful in an explanatory vid with necessary disclaimer about precision that ties together the lunar and tidal info we have on the table. Think B roll, in vid production parlance.
>no river traffic atm the ROT1 Q pic is taken
Interdastingly, comparison with the night vid of DEC 2014, which is a year later than the EMB pics, there may have been a ferry stopped or passing at that very moment. Watch the vid for how the lighting and the reflections on the water change as a ferry pulls up or moves away.
>an incoming tide level that is 3/4 of high tide, with strong currents visible (water not smooth in appearance.)
Fren, assuming that describes ROT1. On the othe rhand, the surface water resembles that in the DEC 2014 night vid above. Not sure about the tidal height.
In that sense, note a few markers to find and compare.
the blue lit buildings to the right of the EYE
pair of red hazard lights on roof of building behind EYE
the southbank string of lights in the vid but not in ROT1
the pattern of white lights that trim the EYE, which in the vid are animated and as such provided a timer of sorts
the bright white lights or reflections at the ground level windows of the blue lit building, the aquarium I think, to the right of the EYE in the vid but not so brightly captured in ROT1
the bright moon on its path toward the south presents a different trajectory in the vid than in ROT1, I think, but its fullness suggests proximity in time of month.
That last point might be worth exploring further. Given its fullness in both ROT1 and the vid, what might the time interval be that would encompass both in terms of the lunar data? I am thinking of extrapolating backward for time of day but doing so within such a lunar interval within DEC 2013/2014. It might be a wider interval than Christmas week, of course, but would like to consider it for reference purposes.
Now there are prolly moar such markers, but these may indicate time of day, week, season, and perhaps also present a marker specificly distinguishing DEC 2013 from DEC 2014. But there does seem to be enough to dig.
The one that stands out for me is that the EYE is not only lit up, as it would be during normal business operations at night, but it shows that pattern of white trim lights which would have been animated in ROT1 just as in the night vid.
For the capture of the night vid, the camera would have been approximately at the Air Force War Memorial, THE GOLDEN EAGLE, on the northbank right across from the EYE. So much different angle to the EYE than in ROT1.
Along those lines, here is a screencap from a night vid recorded in JAN 2013. This shows just a bit of the southbank across from Victoria Embankment. A tiny bit. It may be moar relevant to the other EMB pics, however, it suggests that the lights on St Thomas Hospital showed a pattern pretty close to the prev night vid of DEC 2014 as well as ROT1. From that might draw a time interval based on hospital hours, IDK. If I recall rightly, an anon asked about images for such comparisons back when the contest pics were posted re the pink/purple building. Those pics were taken from the footbridge so a different perspective again - but somewhat closer to that of LISA.
Anons, in addition to possible markers for evidence to date ROT1, these two night vids are useful in illustrating the scene of the Q pics to bring viewers inside the frame, as sit were, and bring alive the pics. So there is a sort of poetic licence that applies. My purpose here is to help safeguard such a use against misinterpretation as for dating evidence. Do not wish to mislead the viewer to think these vids are contemporaneous with EMB pics.
This is for the vid project. Will use visual cues to indicate 'simulation' versus actual evidence for dating the Q pics. We have lots of gud vid footage so that the viewer can feel like he is walking into and through each London pic. This is a storytelling device, obviously, but it can be so compelling as to present the danger of misleading the viewer on the facts. So, while visual cues will distinguish fact from 'fiction', just wanting to have the background as clear as possible for the dating message upon which the vid is based and which is its primary purpose.
Simulation, re-creation, and so forth are devices commonly used with minimal negative impact. Just need to put up the guardrails.
Thanks for your input and help on this, anons.
Here the JAN 2013 night vid is embedded. You can readily get the sense of how such vids can bring alive the scenes of the Q pics. We have viewed similar comparisons for WW and RED BUS and BLACK BOX. For the most part we have aerial views that do much the same thing; as well as cameras carried on foot or in vehicles. And SV images can be animated, as well, but none of this is precisely Q matched. All of it is approximate โ some scenes can be animated almost to the week that the pics were taken while others are just time of day/season. If anons think back to our digs, and the many vids and such uncovered, you can prolly come up with your own examples of how poetic licence can bring the viewer inside the camera frame of London Pics in a way that does not detract from the harder evidence that dates those scenes.
Sometimes, the vids help in other ways. This embedded pic, taken from the footbridge, is brief but it shows movement of foot and vehicular traffic at night. Not a precise match, but illustrative. For instance, one could time the travel of pedestrians on the sidewalks as they stroll along either toward or away from the camera. That gives a sense of the 'frozen' pedestrians movement in EMB pics. It can also illustrate phases of traffic lights. Not that these details are hard facts that apply directly to EMB pics, but, again, it gives a sense of the scene at the time the pics were taken.
As for traffic light phases, we have moar, but have not yet found a use for it. If anons can imagine a use, let me know, and we can explore further. If a significant use can be put to gud use, then, it would make it in the latter edits of the vid, or as post-production additions.
The factual basis for the declarations of emergency, around the world, does need to be brought onto the public record and courts would be a great place to nail that down because the Govt would be making its argument on more than mere assertions.
Now, evidence can be introduced in the North American courts, in Canada and in USA, in a way that is very tough if not impossible to do in European courts. But both systems can borrow of each other as cases move through the various procedures. Small wins can add up. There are extensive court cases, with loads of evidence, ready to hit the ground in both North Am countries.
This Alberta case pushes the govt's nose into the challenge. Provide the evidence. But I am skeptical that the point, as asserted by the Alberta man, is nailed down nearly as firmly as he may wish it to be. I think there is room for the 'admission' by govt lawyers to mean just that the documentation was not brought to court because the Govt lawyers sought to argue the Law rather than the scientific facts.
It is as if the lawyers were posing as defenders of the unmitigated power of Public Health Officers to issue orders that must be obeyed even if quashing liberties. Trouble is, that can't possibly stand because the constitutional order, in both N Am countries, requires a balancing of rights against the interference of those rights by whatever authority - legislative, regulative, or even where different liberties intersect or conflict. That would be an argument on the Law but it would quickly bring to the fore the underlying basis for setting public health orders against constitutionally protected liberties.
In Canada, this balancing is explicitly in the text of the Constitution and has been reinforced in court precedents. So evidence is gonna play a big part in deciding whether or not an order can be considered a just law.
Guess what I am saying is that the Govt lawyers were playing the clock, again, rather than admitting they had no case.
The Prov Govt has been loosening restrictions on its own, without judges nullifying orders and such, but the timing I think does speak to the political nature of the court system in Canada. The prosecutors have generally dropped cases where people have challenged fines, like the fine this Alberta man gladly took so as to drag the public health officer into court. The prosecutors did not drop this case. So it is an outlier as for individuals fighting fines.
At some point these cases will be tried because the past can not be undone. The issues will remain; the damages suffered will remain at issue; the basis for the Govt imposing such suffering, and for transfressing constitutonal rights, will still be 'live' even if the prosecutors would hope to drop the whole thing and walk away.
This is the difference between a well constructed constitutional case that takes the GOVT into the courtroom, and a more or less improvised non-laywered case. But the ball has been moved, politically, by the Alberta man, because it is a political fight more than it is a purely legal fight. He can rub the public health officer's nose in this and taunt her, and the GOVT LAWYERS, to cough up the evidence one way or another.
Mere assertions without a factual basis is a glaring problem for all the governments of the world. Remember that the WHO is not government. And remember that guidelines or recommendations are not laws. But when orders are used to give legal power to guidelines and recommendations, the accountablity is local, or regional, or national, but not international.
Yet the scope of the problem of factual basis for restrictions is global. And so court cases here will help courts cases there. The decision to recall the original PCR 'gold standard' will have much the same impact. The three pillars of covidism are under assault right now.
Our major problem is that much harm has already been done and cannot be undone. If our forms of government, and our court systems, are compromised beyond restoration or repair, then, the cabal will have won huge victories. Think of the blitz at the outset of WWII and how much it took to uproot the entrenched new lines that were imposed before we had our boots on.
The genetic sequencing of a virus, named SARS-COV-2, may saved the Govt's cases, to some extent, because of the ambiguous way in which PCR has been used and the appallingly minimal use of gene sequencing and autopsies. The 'emergency' has lingered because of PCR and that is the strong argument against the restrictions. The stats painted a false picture; but even those stats undermined the propagandic claim of super deadliness.
Nonetheless, the vax program has already done enough damage that cannot be undone, that our societies have been upended and deeply compromised. Play it out. If the people widely understood that they can no longer entrust their health and safety to public health officers, and that they can not help but see their doctors as Govt b'crats, and that they can not take at face value any of the headines of MSM sources, well, much will implode around us. It will knock people about worse than a train crash. But that is how this could go, and the way many of us want it to go, even at a high cost. We did not pick this fight but we are at war and victory means much more damage even if we gain lost ground. The storm is upon us and how it plays out is clearly not going to be smooth no matter what.
Remember this. you do not need to be a scientist to hold scientists to account; you need not be a medical doctor to hold practioners to account; and you need not be a lawyer to hold government laws to the constitutional standards well-known. This is about you taking a stand, holding the line, and fighting back even at considerable cost. The way I see it, we have already paid too high a cost by society just going along to get along.
We can only know so much. But it will get far worse before it gets a bit better.
Possibly a gud metaphor here is the use of barrage balloons over London during The Battle of Britain. It helped defend us while it also posed a great hazard to our countrymen beneath. We can defend but eventually we must retake lost ground and open the channels around the world.
Remember that the 4-6 percent include turncoats, or would-be turncoats, as well as heroes. Remember that the person who is fearful of not taking off a mask probablly wants, deep inside, to be free and bold and courageous but reproaches himself for not having the spark to make such a move as removing a mask, even for awhile, and looks on you with envy. That individual can become a hero when the mask is removed and he is embraced as a free man.
The instinct to shake hands remains; extend your hand of friendship, as you say, and it will be grasped even if only with the hope that you might pull him up from the ground.
Something was removed in MAR 2016. Is it possible to extrapolate the date of the missing parts, given the material before and after? Or is the sequence not known perhaps?
Thinking of 2015/2016 vs 2013/2014.
>>14293306, >>14293406, >>14293406, >>14293467
>>14293735, >>14293752, >>14294115, >>14294115
>>14293378 GENERAL
And the black box pic.
COVID-19 variants could be named after constellations once Greek alphabet is used up, WHO official says.
(Undiscovered) facts emerge?
Ability to move forward?
Occam's Razor.
Q 784
[UK] - Stay Alert.
Q 1423
Note the time.
Note the vehicles on the road.
Compare against 2.16.18.
[6] surv [value targets].
Q 1543
Morning sun brings heat.
Full moon coming.
Undiscovered stars learned.
Missions forward.
Q 1547
Ability to share [open].
(Heat) on who?
(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?
(Undiscovered) facts emerge?
Ability to move forward?
Occam's Razor.
Anons, please re-review q 1425.
When does Q say, follow the plan, if not when we have the choice to become active participants in that plan? When does Q say, enjoy the show, if not when we are in front row seats because of our participation? Think of 45 as he turned attention to those attending his rallies. WHEN is participation also attending and watching and showing what we are about, what we have learned, what we have discovered?
For me, I can ejoy the show the most when I am a contributor to the show and am active in the plan and all along realizing that we have more than we know.
The anon's postings re NIOC are one of many, many examples that can be found in the breads, UK, General, and others.
UK Anons, consider the ยฐstar pattern" in LONDON2847 and its nonappearance in the other EMB pics that were taken within seconds of each other.
Now you see it, now you don't.
Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.
EMB OVERLAYS v1, BB as ref, start/end LisaMI6.
I recall adjustments to the EMB pics for the purpose of revealing the funnel of the TATTERSHALL CASTLE. In that process, 'discovered' the lights in the sky over Milford Tower and thought, why is that not also in the other EMB pics, and, at that time, thought this showed a difference in dating. Still don't have a plausible explanation, in my books, but it is a glaringly difficult thing to put aside entirely.
Darkness to Light.
From the description under the video.
Big Ben used as ref point for layering EMB pics down according to drop sequence. LisaMI6 presents largest representation of BB and is used to start the overlay; it is the last in the drop sequence and so ends the overlay.
In this overlay sequence the order is LisaMI6 to setup, then, ROT1, ROT2, and ending with LisaMI6. Have left out ROT3 which shows the camera having turned away from the EMBANKMENT and aiming instead at the traffic islands on Northumberland and front corner of The Corinthea Hotel.
Look for details that distinguish each EMB pic; and details that bridge it to any othere EMB pic. The sequence in this version, OVERLAY v1, shows a movement from centre to left to right as the camera rotated; the LisaMI6 view of the TATT from the footbridge was taken from the left of the other EMB pics, of course, but that is not animated here with BB as reference point for the overlay sequence.
In this overlay sequence the order is LisaMI6 to setup, then, LOND2847, ROT1, ROT2, and ending with LisaMI6. Have left out ROT3 which shows the camera having turned away from the EMBANKMENT and aiming instead at the traffic islands on Northumberland and front corner of The Corinthea Hotel.
Q 128
What is a sequence?
Why is this relevant?
When does a map become a guide?
What is a keystone?
Everything stated is relevant.
The list in Q 1425 showed a screencap of LONDON at the bottom of the sequence even though it was dropped first of that sequence.
Looking at the movement of the pedestrians and cars, and the traffic lights, the sequence appears to be LONDON, ROT1, ROT2. And, I think, ROT3 suggests it was taken several seconds after ROT2.
Wrestling with where LISA and the other CH pics fit into the sequence, but at the moment wanna be fairly sure that the LONDON-ROT sequence is sound.
Any hints in the pics that the pics were taken in different order?
The title of the screencap in Q 1425 might be random, but everything has meaning and would not put it past Q to use titles as comms.
D was a standalone in a single line in Q 1543.
D before C? And 'full moon' later. Q provided a partial decipher, in Q 1547.
Morning sun brings heat.
Full moon coming.
Undiscovered stars learned.
Missions forward.
Q 1547
Ability to share [open].
(Heat) on who?
(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?
(Undiscovered) facts emerge?
Ability to move forward?
Occam's Razor.
The first five lines in 1547 correspond with the first five in 1543. That would indicate that D = sharing/open. If that applied to the EMB pics, then, the mechanism of sharing intel was opened or was by its own nature subject to being opened later.
On the other hand, D could be part of a subset of letters that signify something like Doxing? There are two Qs in the title. The first is lower case and follows DXn. Maybe Xn is a Chinese marker? IDK but doxing is like sharing/opening in a sense. X cold mean ex, as in an ex player [n]eutralized or potentially [n]eutral to [q]. Lower case suggesting lower in rank?
That notion conjures up the possiblity that the Q group had been infiltrated or a lower ranking member, not quite Q, was approached or on the inside of the group being surveilled. By the way, SURV could indicate survival or surving as much as surveillance.
In that sense, 2 could hint at 2 possible players. The 2 could be read as part of the first group of letters or start of the next group of letters.
Thinking along the lines of RealDonaldTrump, and other monikers used to indicate genuine identity. The 2 could mean a pair, or a count of 2; or could mean too or to. Two is a double. There are two Qs in the title. What is a double agent?
Could it mean 2 of the targets are True Q?
AA, double A, followed by the last letter of the alphabet, Z. Maybe, True Q and A, as in questions and answers. Or Q, doubled, has a counterpart or counterparts in double A.
Then AZ, as in Arizona. Is ZU used to indicate zulu? A to Z. No k to go with the U, however, kek. Could these letters hint at AUS as in OZ and New Zealand?
Maybe v, as in very, and F, as in โฆ ? IDK. Could be some throwaway junk in the mix, too.
UvF = airport code?
Ulster Volunteer Force
loyalist paramilitary group. Once you join, always UVF.
Just caps = DX2TRUQAAZUF
Just lowercase = nq2v
Punctuated by upper/lower = DX nq 2 TRUQAAZU v F
That 2 TRUQ stands out.
The first q seems to be like a counterweight/ counterpoint.
In a search for AAZU came arcross azzu business = white hats. Looks like a placeholder claiming 500 employees, homebase Nepal.
Of course, TRUQ may or may not be a thing. And may not be related to Q 1423's instructions that we have taken to mean something we were tasked to follow carefully in our reading of the London Pics.
Q 1423
Note the time.
Note the vehicles on the road.
Compare against 2.16.18.
[6] surv [value targets].
Dead ends. But 2TRUQ.
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Because what is known must be shared.ยฎ
Thank you for re-visiting this, fren. Yeap I think you have made an excellent guesstimate for the line of site from the approximate location of the camera.
Got a few reference vids to help back up what we are imagining the camera position to be and where the bright object would be relative to the shape of the Giant Observation Wheel.
My guesstimate is very close to yours. Here are the pics and I'll drop the ref vids next.
So on the map, I've overdrawn the camera position between the two wooden towers; this position is represented by a square drawn between those towers. And another square represents the position of the bright sky object over the Wheel. To make this guesstimate, relying on co-relating aerial pics of the 2013/2014 park, vids of people walking around the area between the entrance to the Bavarian Hall which was located immediately behind the two wooden towers, and the passage between the Double Decker Carousel and the tree-shaped direction/map stand immeidately ahead of the two wooden towers.
The camera position can be estimated based on two further details found in the Q pic of the Wilde Mous ride. Portions of the right wooden tower were captured on the rightmost edge of the camera frame.
Just above head height there was a short wooden awning with light bulbs to illuminate that part of the tower. This can be seen in various vids taken by people who walked toward and around the towers.
The footprint of each tower is an approximate square; the towers are at least a couple stories high and each forms a sort of long rectangular shape. Joining them overhead is the Avalanche sign that sort of forms a 'bridge' just below the gabled rooftops. This can be seen in various elevated vids made by people who rode the Wide Mous or who rode the Tower of Power.
The second detail, then, is a portion of the corner of the right tower โ above the awning but below the rooftop. That appears on the right most edge of the camera frame, and because of the angles it looks slanted as it cuts across the top right corner of the Q pic.
The awning protudes out of that wall. So these two elements of the right tower help position the camera toward the rear of the left tower. If I had to guess, I'd say the camera position and angle was chosen to include much of the dark sky as well as these marginal details of the right tower. Imagine the picture taker stepping back as if taking a snap of the ride and doing so without focussing on people on the ground. Not sure if the lense distorted the edges of the pic much, but it is noticable mostly on that right edge due to the tower's wall being, in actuality, perpendicular with the ground.
This is rather nitpicky, natch, and not very precise at the same time. Sorry about that. Our guesstimates are pretty close nonetheless. Mine was made a few months back and aI have redrawn them over your illustration. So neither of us were influenced by the other's attempt. I suppose we could use our results as a sort of range or interval in time.
Here is one of the vids that show the tower positions. Moar in next drops.
View from Tower of Power and from the ground on left side of the Double Decker Carousel ride.
Here is a basic vid highlighting markers within the Wilde Mous pic. The two details from the towers are shown, briefly, near the end of the vid.
This vid helps orientate the camera position by juxtaposition with the Double Decker, mostly.
Jump to 1min15seconds and keep eye on 2013
Aerial view of entire WW theme park.
2012 v 2013
Not the greatest view but helps with interpretation of the available maps of the site which were not always correct in the actual layouts. Close but not always according to plan. But solid for the basics for our purposes re the bright object in night sky.
In the vid with views from the Tower of Power/ Wilde Mous you get glimpses of the Wheel and those help further confirm the orientation vis-a-vis the corner of Wilde Mous and the Wheel and the object in the sky. It is not precise but it gives that additional backup with multiple sauces cross-referenced.
Those glimpses are best viewed in slo-mo in the vids posted. You can advance one frame at a time, in yooootooob, by pausing and then tapping coma for backward and period for forward. The view from the Widle Maus lines-up very well with Wheel behind the camera and Towers in front; this occurs twice during the ride. The best line-up is when the camera passes the facade in which a faux cabin/rooftop is adorned with the Mous; you kinda hafta view the end of the vid to get that reference, compare it with the view from the Tower, and then get back in the seat for the Wilde Maus ride around that corner.
Kek. That theme park, that year, was well surveiled with open sauce vids and the like.
Conveniently, the view from Wilde Maus, at both the upper and the lower levels at that corner, provide a sort of reverse view whereby the vid's camera looks directly toward the Q camera position. This is why imagining the Wheel behind the vid camera is useful to drawing a sight line for the sky object. In other parts of the vid you can see how the camera turned toward the Wheel as the coaster ride zig zagged toward the Q camera and then back toward the Wheel. That is why viewing the Wheel is better watching these vids in slo-mo than trying to make the just-so cap. The motion helps orientate, I find.
So, to sum up, what is the estiamted time-of-day interval for each eligible days of Christmas week? 9PM to 10PM? Or does it vary more than that across the week?
Seems the pic was taken close to the park's end of night rather than earlier in the dark winter evening. Now, many of the vids over the years showed the video recorders taking aroute around the park so that they hit Wilde Maus about half-way during their stay, because it was such a popular attraction. Heavy crowds milled about that 'plaza' betwixt Wilde Mause and Tower of Power; Apres was one of several eating spots along that route; the Bavarian Hall was a big draw late in the evening, moar near closing time. Thinking that the Q pics show a fairly crowded scene but not as crowded as on weekend nights. Just my impression. Could support mid-week, after the stormy day that the park was closed. The wet ground in Q pics might suggest that also, IDK.
I do think that the shopping bag and the teddy bear in one of the Q pics does suggest the couple had been round the block and were on the end part of their route anyway.
In contrast, the couple who crossed the EMBANKMENT and where also in front of The Corinthea Hotel did not carry shopping bag and teddy bear. If was same couple, then, also dressed a bit differently.
This cap is taken from ground level vid facing toward the Wilde Maus ride with the Wheel in the distance. The camera is ahead of the two wooden towers so a bit forward of the Q camera position; however, can also compare with the tree sign and with the cabin facade at the right corner of the Wilde Maus ride. So this vid's camera would have been inside the camera frame of the Q camera. Compare this cap with the vids showing the reverse view from Wilde Maus looking into the Q camera position. Then draw the sight line to the approximate position of the sky object above the Wheel - in the scene captured from the Tower of Power. You can almost start to image yourself in the centre of the plaza and turning 360, or at least 180, between view of the wooden towers and view of the Wheel - with the object above.
If this helps date the WW pics and even to peg a time of day, then, I might be able to count those hours of viewing vids and pics as well worth it. Kek.
Sorry, here's the relevant cap