It was also found at a few other sites, one we were looking for was onsizzle.com which we thought may have been earlier as other sites attributed it to SIZZLE.
We found the pic url, but that is just the image, no dates included. Page was also not found via multiple searches from pic name/numbers etc etc. Just had another look, no joy. Weirdly I can find other memes by searching partial file names, just not the BB pic.
User did have a reddit page - https://www.reddit.com/domain/pics.onsizzle.com/
Tried a meme from there with a relatively unique filename - https://pics.onsizzle.com/chicken-c-uck-c-uck-hiya-alt-right-hows-chicken-5590553.png and the meme can be found by searching "chicken-c-uck-c-uck-hiya-alt-right-hows-chicken". Page url + img url do differ ..
page url = https://onsizzle.com/i/chicken-c-uck-c-uck-hiya-alt-right-hows-chicken-3299602
img url = https://pics.onsizzle.com/chicken-c-uck-c-uck-hiya-alt-right-hows-chicken-5590553.png
a few more examples of page/img urls..
There does appear to be a pattern to the numbers, pic url number appears to be roughly 1/2 of the page number url added to itself. Its not, but as a casual approximation there does appear to be a pattern there.