Anonymous ID: 095817 May 13, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.1399751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9814

(Bread #1752)


>Dissociative Identity Programing


I could capture images, but then the links wouldn't be accessible, so I'm just cutting / pasting / editing what's on this page, minus some links. The links lead to detailed descriptions of Satanic cult practices, a version of which seems to be what's shown in the Skippy video.


Interview With Ex Illuminati Programmer

from Centre x News Website




About Svali

Svali used to be a programmer and trainer in the cult of the Illuminati.


Both she and her entire family were involved in the cult group until several years ago, when they finally broke free. She has been a consultant to an on-line survivors group that helps people dealing with issues related to cult programming and ritual abuse.


Svali, a writer and a registered nurse, has self-published a book on breaking free of cult programming, which several experts in the field have said has "invaluable information" for the survivor of ritual abuse.


Her articles are published online."


She is now married to her second husband and has two children.



Svali 1st Series - The Illuminati - How the Cult Programs People

Svali 2nd Series - The Illuminati in America



December 20, 2000 - Questions / Answers from Readers

March 23, 2001 - Q & A: Svali Answers Readers' Questions

April 04, 2001 - Q & A: Svali Answers More Questions


Related Information

Born Into The Illuminati - A Friend Fears For Svali's Safety As She Has Come Up Missing

Original MP3s of Svali radio appearance with Szymanski - January 17, 2006

Anonymous ID: 095817 May 13, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.1399814   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I forgot this. It's a speech given by D.C. Hammond, famous for discovering and identifying specifics of ritual abuse. It's known as the Dr. Greenbaum Speech.