Anonymous ID: 458396 May 13, 2018, 1:10 p.m. No.1399608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9622

I hope Q and everyone will forgive me for being a catty bitch, but the anonymity makes it just irresistible. Indulge a girl, pretty please?


Juicy, juicy!


Other nuggets:


Calling Ted Kennedy a "perfect bastard" in 1975. Oh dear, can't be this outspoken when your hubby's in politics, sweetie:


First husband, Sen. John Heinz III (R-PA) was killed in a helicopter crash in 1991


As of 2005, she'd dropped the "Kerry" from her last name. Marriage on the rocks? Sauce:


Uh oh, health problems hit her in 2013:

Rounding up the Hispanic vote in 2004 by addressing a crowd in Spanish, one of 5 languages she speaks:


Ooh, they sold the place on Nantucket just last month! Downsizing, are we? That $17.5 million will be so handy! Too bad it sold for so much less than the tax assessment, tsk tsk. You win some, you lose some. But gee, I wonder who that "5 Hurlburt Avenue LLC" is registered to?


" By Catherine Carlock – Real Estate Editor, Boston Business Journal

Apr 13, 2018, 3:53pm


A sprawling waterfront property on Nantucket that was long owned by former Secretary of State John Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, has sold for $17.5 million.


A Nantucket deed lists the purchaser as 5 Hulbert Avenue LLC, which is registered to Nantucket law firm Vaughan, Dale, Hunter and Beaudette.


Kerry and Heinz originally asked $25 million for the property in mid-2016, the Boston Globe reported at the time. The Inquirer and Mirror of Nantucket first reported news of the $17.5 million sale.


The “rare and exceptional” waterfront property near Nantucket’s Brant Point lighthouse features “stunning views, a wide sandy beach and gracious hedged-in lawns and gardens,” according to an online listing.


The five-bedroom, six-bathroom home sits on a 0.83-acre lot and was built in 1920, the listing states. The assessed value for the 5,626-square-foot home is $21.5 million, according to the Nantucket Assessor." Per Town & Country, "The five-bedroom, 5,600-square-foot property has been in Heinz Kerry's family since 1982 (her family's Windy Point Trust purchased it for $1.2 million in 1982)."


Lawsy, fetch me a sherry, they are selling the 76-foot yacht "Isabel", too, and it was so handy, what with it being able to accommodate six guests. Ooh, look: "Isabel got Kerry into hot water when media reports revealed he and his wife skirted a $437,500 Massachusetts state tax bill by keeping the yacht in Newport. Rhode Island repealed its boat use and sales tax in 1993 and has become a sort of haven for luxury yachts, according to the Herald." Well, thank goodness Rhode Island ditched that pesky tax, hmph. Do not MISS this article, it is just gold from beginning to end.


Poor Pickle may miss the summer regatta! Tres disappointing!


This is just heartbreaking. Just look how sporty Pickle looks, kiteboarding! Bless his little heart!