Anonymous ID: 552e70 May 13, 2018, 1:04 p.m. No.1399542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9649

>>1399372 PB



British Accredidation Registry

How in the fuck have these retards let this happen. When I bring it up, I am the crazy one!!!


attorney (n.)

early 14c. (mid-13c. in Anglo-Latin), "one appointed by another to act in his place," from Old French atorné "(one) appointed," past participle of aturner "to decree, assign, appoint," from atorner "to assign," literally "to turn to" (see attorn). The sense is of "one appointed to represent another's interests."


In English law, a private attorney (attorney in fact) was one appointed to act for another in business or legal affairs (usually for pay); an attorney at law or public attorney was a qualified legal agent in the courts of Common Law who prepared the cases for a barrister, who pleaded them (the equivalent of a solicitor in Chancery). So much a term of contempt in England that it was abolished by the Judicature Act of 1873 and merged with solicitor.


Johnson observed that "he did not care to speak ill of any man behind his back, but he believed the gentleman was an attorney." [Boswell]

In U.S., barrister is not used and the general designation became properly attorney and counselor at law; when presenting a case in court, simply counselor. The double -t- is a mistaken 15c. attempt to restore a non-existent Latin original, perhaps by influence of legal Latin form attornare.


so…Technically, when the judge is asking you to answer to the name, he knows you cannot be the name and must be acting in it's capacity. Therefore, he is inviting you to be an attorney…without a license!!!!

yet, if you start sounding like you know what you are talking about, they ask you if you are an attorney and then suggest that you get one. No practicing without a license around there…unless it gets them revenue, of course

Anonymous ID: 552e70 May 13, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.1399746   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When the British would report back to the King about what was going on, he would tell them that the American Colonists were all lawyers and that they could not just outsmart them. At the time, Harvard was over 100 years old and there were more law books sold here than in England!

They have sufficiently dumbed us down and replaced our Article III courts with Equity Courts and are turning a nice tidy profit.

This is why you cannot record in court. They are up to no good and if people could see what they are doing, it would be figured out by the masses.