Anonymous ID: f984ed May 13, 2018, 2:01 p.m. No.1400153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0181

>>1399441 (Previous Bread)


No I created a board on 8ch called /qibor


Is it possible to start an IBOR thread here?


Idk how or how to bake. Been lurking for 6 month but have posted here and there.


I already created a board for IBOR on 8ch but I’m not opposed to doing a thread here for that too if possible I thought only BO could do that?


I need a read up on the faq lol..


We need to keep up on the IBOR thing and let’s not allow the Silicon Valley creeps to have any say so in what we come up with.


We the people not ‘we the corporations’ have the real power. All the corporations can do is lobby to convince legislators but we the people have the loudest voice if we get together.


We need to get a list of things important for IBOR and have a consensus among the majority that this is what we want and then we should start spreading it around everywhere we can to get it known about until some representative agrees to draft an official version and then they will vote on it to be law.