Anonymous ID: 3daca7 June 26, 2021, 11:28 p.m. No.13995240   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5245 >>5259 >>5284



The National Defense authorization act (NDAA 2012)

created the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) which is an independent agency of the United States government.

According to its website, its mission is to "inform, engage, and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy."


Hillary Clinton was on this board at the time of Sandy Hook, while she was Secretary of State.


This law empowers the government to legally propagandize the American people.


Why would the Congress create and approve this bill, which was signed into law by Obama, if they didn't plan to use it?


Have we ever actually seen any "fake" news in the media?


“National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has an amendment added that negates the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA) and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987.”


“The amendment empowers the State Department and Pentagon to utilize all forms of media against the American public for the sake of coercing US citizens to believe whatever version of the truth the US government wants them to believe. All oversight is removed with Amendment 114.  Regardless of whether the information disseminated is truthful, partially truthful or completely false bears no weight.”


“Repealing the Smith-Mundt Act allows the direct deployment of these tactics on the American public.

Information Operations activities are undertaken to shape the essential narrative of a conflict or situation and thus affect the attitudes and behaviors of the targeted audience and equates descriptions of combat operations with standard marketing strategies. With the NDAA 2012 in its current form, the State Department and Pentagon can go beyond manipulating mainstream media outlets and directly disseminate campaigns of misinformation to the U.S. public.  Successful wars require domestic acceptance.”


“The Sandy Hook shooting occurred just days after Sen. Rand Paul sent out an alert that the U.N. was set to pass the final version of the Small Arms Treaty, supported by Obama the day after election.

Part of the treaty bans the trade, sale and ownership of all semi-automatic weapons … like the one Adam Lanza used to kill 20 children and 6 adults.

The "Batman shooting" in Aurora, Colo., also happened to coincide with the same time as negotiations of the U.N. Small Arms Treaty.

The timing is impeccable.”


“…Through the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act the US government has the legal regulation to use propaganda against foreign audiences and American citizens. The intention is to sway public opinion by using television, radio, newspapers, and social media targeting American and foreign targets in controlled psy-ops or perception management…”




“The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy,” wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book, The CIA as Organized Crime.


“The corporate mainstream media are stenographers for the national security state’s ongoing psychological operations aimed at the American people, just as they have done the same for an international audience. 

We have long been subjected to this “information warfare,” whose purpose is to win the hearts and minds of the American people and pacify them into victims of their own complicity, just as it was practiced long ago by the CIA in Vietnam and by The New York Times, CBS, etc. on the American people then and over the years as the American warfare state waged endless wars, coups, false flag operations, and assassinations at home and abroad.

Another way of putting this is to say for all practical purposes when it comes to matters that bear on important foreign and domestic matters, the CIA and the corporate mainstream media cannot be distinguished.

For those who read and study history, it has long been known that the CIA has placed their operatives throughout every agency of the U.S. government, as explained by Fletcher Prouty in The Secret Team; that CIA officers Cord Myer and Frank Wisner operated secret programs to get some of the most vocal exponents of intellectual freedom among intellectuals, journalists, and writers to be their voices for unfreedom and censorship, as explained by Frances Stonor Saunders in The Cultural Cold War and Joel Whitney in Finks, among others; that Cord Myer was especially focused on and successful in “courting the Compatible Left” since right wingers were already in the Agency’s pocket. 

All this is documented and not disputed.”

Anonymous ID: 3daca7 June 26, 2021, 11:30 p.m. No.13995245   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5247 >>5259




Former FBI agent, Ted Gunderson stated that “the CIA makes the mafia look like a Sunday school class” and that the CIA and FBI is “behind most if not all” terrorism.  The FBI certainly could have stopped the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing by substituting a fake bomb for the real one, as their informant Emad Salem suggested.  Instead, the bombing was allowed to occur, killing six people and wounding more than 1,000.

Anonymous ID: 3daca7 June 26, 2021, 11:48 p.m. No.13995294   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5311



Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins


“…During history, empires have depended on their military power. Provided that they desired to dominate territory, they sent their soldiers and took it. Enemies may argue about these claims, then this may cause a war, yet that was seldom a disincentive. The quarrel was basically an inescapable outcome of implementing imperial business. 

This estimation became different after WW II. And then, as elder European forces diminished, two brand new empires came out, the Soviet Union and its rival the United States. Both of them had the atomic bomb meaning that a war between them had the possibility to bring about nuclear armageddon. This was the disincentive and it made the US implement a new tactic for imperial management.”


"But he's (Putin) a killer," O'Reilly said to Trump.

"There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?" Trump replied.


Countries overthrown by the CIA:

  • Syria 1949

  • Iran 1953

  • Guatemala 1954

  • Tibet 1955–70s

  • Indonesia 1958

  • Cuba 1959

  • Iraq 1960–63

  • Dominican Republic 1961

  • South Vietnam 1963

  • United States 1963

  • Brazil 1964

  • Australia 1967

  • Chile 1970–73

  • Greece 1974

  • Afghanistan 1979–89

  • Turkey 1980

  • Poland 1980–89

  • Nicaragua 1981–90

  • Iraq 1992–96

  • Venezuela 2002

  • Iraq 2002–03

  • Iran 2005–present

  • Syria 2012–present

  • Ukraine 2014

  • Libya

Anonymous ID: 3daca7 June 26, 2021, 11:51 p.m. No.13995311   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5326 >>5351



Published on Feb 13, 2008

John R. Stockwell is a former CIA officer who became a critic of United States government policies after serving in the Agency for thirteen years serving seven tours of duty. After managing U.S. involvement in the Angolan Civil War as Chief of the Angola Task Force during its 1975 covert operations, he resigned and wrote In Search of Enemies, a book which remains the only detailed, insider's account of a major CIA "covert action."


“…they had a license if you will to kill, they took that as a license to smuggle drugs and do all kinds of things against other people in other societies against our law and international law and every principle of people working together to build a healthy more peaceful world”

Anonymous ID: 3daca7 June 27, 2021, 12:14 a.m. No.13995398   🗄️.is đź”—kun




“Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”

~Aldous Huxley.


“…Suddenly, there was an opportunity to test the mRNA vaccines that had been in the works for nearly twenty years.  They could be authorized as an emergency measure but were still highly experimental.  These jabs are not really vaccines at all, but a form of gene therapy.  There are potential disastrous consequences down the road.  Government experiments on the public are nothing new…”


“…this explains the left's hysterical impulse to force these untested shots on those of us who have made the decision to go without it.  If they've decided that it is the thing to do, then all of us must submit to their whims.  If we decide otherwise, it gives them the righteous right to smear all of us whom they already deplore.

As C.J. Hopkins has written, the left means to criminalize dissent…”


“Tal Zaks, Moderna's chief medical officer, said these new vaccines are "hacking the software of life."  Vaccine-promoters claim he never said this, but he did.  Bill Gates called the vaccines "an operating system" to the horror of those promoting it, a Kinsley gaffe.  Whether it is or isn't hardly matters at this point, but these statements by those behind the vaccines are a clue to what they have in mind.”


“There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.

This is exactly what the left is working so hard to effect: a pharmacologically compromised population happy to be taken care of by a massive state machine…”


“In Huxley’s seemingly dystopic World State, the elite amuse the masses into submission with a mind-numbing drug called Soma and an endless buffet of casual sex. Orwell’s Oceania, on the other hand, keeps the masses in check with fear thanks to an endless war and a hyper-competent surveillance state. At first blush, they might seem like they are diametrically opposed but, in fact, an Orwellian world and a Huxleyan one are simply two different modes of oppression.”

Anonymous ID: 3daca7 June 27, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.13995467   🗄️.is đź”—kun




9/11 in five minutes


New York area fire commissioners have called for a new investigation into 9/11, claiming that "overwhelming evidence" of "pre-planted explosives…caused the destruction of the three World Trade Center buildings." The Franklin Square and Munson Fire District outside of Queens, New York made history by becoming the first legislative body in the country to support a new investigation into the events of 9/11, according to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

The resolution, read aloud and passed during a July 24, 2019 meeting and calling for the investigation was drafted by Commissioner Christopher Gioia and was unanimously approved by the five commissioners. 

According to Activist Post, Commissioner Christopher Gioia said: “We’re a tight-knit community and we never forget our fallen brothers and sisters. You better believe that when the entire fire service of New York State is on board, we will be an unstoppable force. We were the first fire district to pass this resolution. We won’t be the last."


On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced that there was 2.3 TRILLION dollars "unaccounted" for in the Pentagon budget. That amount was 7x the ENTIRE Pentagon budget for the year.

Only the government could lose their ENTIRE budget SEVEN times in one year AND get away with it!

The next day, three hijacked planes, reportedly flying at approximately 2x beyond the structural limits of their flight speed at sea level, crashed into buildings destroying all the accounting records and there could be no further investigation.

These facts are NOT disputed among government officials.


What is happening here?

Shall we ask Robert Mueller? He was head of the FBI at the time and tasked with “investigating” the crime.

If we don’t demand justice then who will?

Yes… 9/11 was an inside job and the people responsible still wield tremendous power and influence in our government.

Robert Mueller was trotted out of retirement for a reason. “They” needed Robert Mueller to “investigate” another matter.

Robert Mueller is a traitorous deepstate cover up artist.

Now is the time to be concerned.


3000 architects and building

engineers agree


The laws of physics

cannot be broken


Newton’s three laws of motion and

Conservation of momentum PROVE that both towers and WTC 7 could NOT have fallen at free fall speed unless they met NO resistance as they fell.


Hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete and structural steel had to be removed by demolition to achieve the observed actions in ALL three buildings.


free fall speed = demolition


unimpeachable fact


“We are now 18 years away from the U.S.-government-coordinated, Saudi-financed, Israeli-conducted, British-covered up terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

And, “YES!”, they were terrorist attacks except that they were carried out by the U.S. Federal Government and Armed Forces in tandem with the enemy foreign powers listed above.”