>>13996421 Interesting… what’s your intuition tell you anon?
Without Potus intervention:
vax take years, people locked down, economy destroyed, health dept and govs gain extraordinary power, legally and precedents.
vax mandated with legal force, and global measures gain power over national and state rights. (precedents established, resisters dealt with via global measures, UN? WHO, etc.?
What changed:
millions saved via early rollout EUA, are the millions those who are now allowed to legally challenge vax being mandatory?
EUA + vax harm being revealed to normies curtailed their mandatory vax plan AND laws/treaties passing making vax compulsory? We dodged the laws and importantly any measures of their enforcement of such and prevented them from effecting major power plays.
mRNA, spike protein vaxes forever questioned? cabal always tend to take little steps and we mau have blocked them from even accessing the stairwell.
WW public support of vaxes was too much too challenge and win at the onset.
IVermectin, HCQ, etc. made public and increases crimes against humanity they undertook.
bottom line is all the exposure gained NOW, re. alternative cures, origin as cabal bio weapon, overstepping gov authority, Fauci coverups, etc., etc. is habbening nicely for the normies. Their plan would involve none of this, just perpetual gaining of moar power, moar suppression of the populace, moar laws and power to gov, and global groups, all while economy becomes destroyed to the point a reversal would become much harder.