I want to be part of the group that does crimes and doesn't have to face any consequences
> Just like Trump.
I really don't trust Trump at all
"Rich man, eye of needle, camel" and all that.
The only thing I really can appreciate from him is his pushing the Jesus narrative to those that will listen, even though it's idol worship, which is the cardinal sin against God, it's antithetical to the communist agenda which depends upon ripping people from their God-base.
I try to use the word hate sparingly, but I fucking hate living in California.
I hate faggots and idiots and there are an abundance of them here
I don't want to kowtow to shit that's against God for the sake of the equality lie and I don't, so there's really a big disconnect between myself and others in this shithole state.
History teaches that California will be the first to fall and I don't want to be here to witness it.
> In escrow in Florida now
I know it sounds pathetic but as soon as I save up a suitable amount of money (like less than 10k, yes poorfaggin) I'm heading to AZ. I loved living in Arizona when I was there.
If not AZ, though, I'd head to FL.
> taking my red vote to Texas!
I just have a bad feeling about TX
not now or anytime soon, but I see it being the next breeding ground of liberal uprising.
I'm not personally full on 1488, kill all who don't want to live by the book, but I can appreciate the need for letting people migrate to their suitable places. Texas seems to be too much of a mixing pot in many areas.
The spot in AZ I'm heading to is 94% White and the rest Native with less than 1% black population. It's basically heaven.
>He also told us about Hydroxychloroquine
Yeah he did. I'd give him credit for that.
the character is an enigma, I'm not even sure what he's supposed to be playing
but maybe that's the way he wants it to be?
that's a level of bantz that exceeds even the highest levels of lolz
that's some high-level 'tism you got going there, Anon!
Sept 18 1945
I was thinking it was the day Mike the Chicken finally died, but I was off by a week.