fuck potus
btw pedogate has a ton of roth bankers on the sheets
swamp ass
the whole drug war is built offthe bribery and cover up of a masacre at a bowling alley in my town fyi, roth drug puppets and bush family got some people executed one morning cause they did not want to pay for the cocaine cause of their snooty white supremacy bullshit pedovore caca. there was foreign nationals all over the case . still unsolved
the fast a furious was originally a trap for these cult fegels, but it got way out of hand ,
these assholes keep selling
gay and fake
bushes did not want to pay the columbians after not paying the mexicans, everypne blamed each other and some employees got exececuted
seems we are down to drunks and whores again
bill gates said to just throw it through the windows cause the tweakers are obsessed with mirrors
soros the salad tosser, got brennan and mueller in on it, now just a face on the moon since they cannibalized unicorn guy at mandaly nay 20 years ago
since bush senior got the noahide
obama was catching flak in my hometown before BC
idk at the time
one girl had to move to australia cause he kept parking in her driveway
im planning to use indiginous cocoa farmers to populate these tavernous architecture rejects of acqusition .
tha's hot