sentenced to hang 2 aug 2021, a la RRN.
>There was a time when our history (heritage) was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT.
i'll wager i'm older than you, and the history i was taught was as much bullshit as the history taught today. just a different flavor bullshit.
>There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, had a voice.
yeah… they were called labor unions. but yer PAL ronnie raygun saw to the wholesale destruction of labor unions, when he fired 14,000 union air traffic controllers and gave corporate ameriKa the signal to follow his lead.
>There was a time when the media was free from political bias [and corruption].
bullshit. the media has NEVER been free of political bias, as far back as recorded history goes.
IDK what you're high on… shoe polish, octane, or just sniffing uncle sam's reeking buns… but YOU ARE FULL OF IT, and if you believe half the drivel you wrote, you're a hopeless contard.
wrongo, faggot. russian orthodox. your stupidity is only exceeded by your psychic powers. KYS.