Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 8:56 p.m. No.14002426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2501

>>14000048 (pb) P = The Phoenician Navy

>>14002069 (pb) Tridents at the WTC 2323


I've had my eye on the Fayette factor almost everyday. The fact about Robin Williams supposedly killing himself a day after a fatal incident involving LaFayette: Now there are three major and one minor news stories in just the last month that were preceded each time a day in advance with clear forewarnings in the form of the Fayette factor, the minor being the murder suicide involving the man who killed his wife and three daughters a week or so ago.

The three majors would be the Fedex family massacre, the MH17 "Operation Trident" media BS campaign, and now Robin Williams found hanging, which isn't exactly a clear indicator of suicide, yet the narrative has been carefully written and released, as if he couldn't escape the ending to this, his most personal role, a role written and managed as well as any of his films (ex: Robin Williams suicide jokes on Family Guy airing hours before he's discovered dead ALA Boston Marathon bomb jokes).

Here we find a more clever game of lesser magic, a sort of code. Violent murders and crashes happen everyday all over the US but our national newsfeeds just happen to place an emphasis on Lafayette or Fayetteville consciously or unconsciously the day before a major event to caution us that we are in for a strange news day the next day.

This, of course, is just cosmic coincidence, perfectly placed and arranged for us to discover and light up to. This is a literal way to see it, but if we go deeper and realize the influence of higher consciousness on our reality and behaviors, we are faced with this: We can only see parts of the whole. We are so many steps, degrees, and functions removed from what is really driving this planet's course, and yet were part of the same equation and pattern. We only have to say to ourselves: Here it is, honestly, the truth is that the trident represents so much more than we can understand, but if we break it down to how it's used by those in power:For those in the know, this is now a World Wide War, the 3rd of its kind. The trident is just this, a permeating symbol that is crying out to us to open our eyes and see what is really there.


Or maybe its just clever wizardry to subconsciously create acceptance of this idea that the world as we know it is lost to war and destruction.


* * *


Israelis are now adopting the fact that they are the descendents of the Khazars, who ruled about a million square miles of what is now the Ukraine for a thousand years before being conquered by the Slavic tribe that is now modern Russia....The trident and bident were used on coin to show the ruling issuer of "currency." It would seem the tridents we see so heavily used now is a stamp to indicate the "currency" is controlled by the Ashkenazi descendents of Chazairia, and also why it is the symbol of the Ukraine. I am myself a Ashkenazi.

signed: J.K.


The Invention of the Jewish People

by Shlomo Sand, Yael Lotan (Translator)


Jews actually descend from converts

Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 9:06 p.m. No.14002501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2517 >>2527


If you've been following my postings, you will see that I encourage you to


NOT guess things

NOT decide who is right and who is wrong (marxist dialectic)


Instead I encourage you to do your OWN research and dig for yourself. The media (and that includes 99% of YouTube channels) is not your friend.


Don't trust Trump to save you.

If you elect an emperor then someone else will bump him off to get his power.

ANd another evil guy will come along and bump off that emperor

And before you know it we are back to being ruled by a dynasty of evil.


To win this war, we all have to step up, take care of ourselves, our family and our community.

If you can't do that effectively, the the Constitution is a meaningless rag

It represented 13 strong self-sufficient states joining together in common cause.


Well, in case you hadn't noticed, every one of the 50 states is in a sad state.

The main reason that Russia and China are not rushing to invade the USA

Is because they all suffer the same problems.

The Cabal took down everyone world wide.

We were on the edge of total surveillance and slavery.


In the end you all rise up, but not as destroyers with guns

You rise up as builders and creators and negotiators.

It's the only way!!!

Find a friend

Make a deal

United NOT Divided!

Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 9:20 p.m. No.14002597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2762



That pubic hair looks like the first growth of a young girl who has just recently reached puberty. Maybe 13yo or 14yo.

When it first appeared, I tracked it down to a photographer who sold prints of the photo (minus the vehicle).

However he gave no indication of the identity or age of the model.

I think most male anons know that once a woman gets into removing her pubic hair, it gets to be like an addiction, and she doesn't stop.

So while technically, it could represent a few months growth on an adult woman, if that was the case, you would think the photographer would credit the model.


More people on this board should research the true sources of images. There are 4 search engines that I know of, Google, Bing, Yandex, and Tineye

If you spend a few months practicing searching image origins with all of them, you can get very good, and even track non-indexed images back through mirrors like by using metadata.


RESEARCH is another word for DIGGING

Anyone can do this.

Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 9:36 p.m. No.14002698   🗄️.is 🔗kun


YOu Q cultists are going to be sorely disappointed.

There are LOTS and LOTS of deals that have been made.

Q did warn us all that…

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

and also…

Disinformation exists and is necessary.


Part of the Great Awakening is to wake up to realinty.

This is NOT a game.

This is the real world.

Military Intelligence is heavily involved

There are counter intelligence operations which involve luring people into traps.

We were pointed to military tactics and strategy manuals.

You should have read them and researched more.

Q warned us to use LOGICAL THINKING


Not hero WORSHIP

Not knee jerk reactions

Not following the crowd.




Watch reruns of Lt. Columbo to learn how a detective finds the truth in the midst of chaos.


The guy who wrote the book on "The Art of the Deal" was chosen by the military for that very ability.

He made lots of deals and trained others to make deals as well.


The blackmail files that were seized will NEVER be released in the lifetime of anyone living today.

They are being sent to the future as Trump promised in Star Trek Discovery

That is the SPHERE DATA.


Look at Drop #10

Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 9:40 p.m. No.14002724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2771


You Q cultists are going to be sorely disappointed.

There are LOTS and LOTS of deals that have been made.

Q did warn us all that…

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

and also…

Disinformation exists and is necessary.


Part of the Great Awakening is to wake up to reality.

This is NOT a game.

This is the real world.

Military Intelligence is heavily involved

There are counter intelligence operations which involve luring people into traps.

We were pointed to military tactics and strategy manuals.

You should have read them and researched more.

Q warned us to use LOGICAL THINKING


Not hero WORSHIP

Not knee jerk reactions

Not following the crowd.




Watch reruns of Lt. Columbo to learn how a detective finds the truth in the midst of chaos.


The guy who wrote the book on "The Art of the Deal" was chosen by the military for that very ability.

He made lots of deals and trained others to make deals as well.


The blackmail files that were seized will NEVER be released in the lifetime of anyone living today.

They are being sent to the future as Trump promised in Star Trek Discovery

That is the SPHERE DATA.


Look at Drop #10

Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 9:52 p.m. No.14002809   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Their major FFs are ALL determined by the stars and the positions of the planets.

You need to look at what matters to them, and the astrology of previous FFs.

Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 10:02 p.m. No.14002870   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Somebody posted this list of sources a year or two back.

I have NOT read all of them.

Half of the material was written or published by blackhats within the US Military

Choose carefully




Skip to page 8 where the links to documents and websites begins.


If you can't get a JSTOR link, try pasting it into this site:


That also works great for COVID related papers. Either get the link or the DOI: form of the code, and past it into SCI-HUB

Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 10:10 p.m. No.14002916   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That was a Carbon Monoxide emitter

In the case of the embassies, I think they have a process that will manufacture CO in specific 3d coordinates without placing a device in the building.


The WH had actual CO making devices hidden away.

Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 10:32 p.m. No.14003001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3008 >>3013



What exactly does this have to do with I-L?

>mandala time-travel

Finally amidst the spew of angry obscentites, somebody mentions anactualresearch activity. Going to a published address and checking it out. That is what REAL detectives do, and if you are not willing to do real work, then you'all are the LARPers just playing games.

Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 10:37 p.m. No.14003024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3028 >>3043



Quantum physicista talk seriously about multiple timelines. When you understand the true nature of the universe, it seems reasonable.

The prime material of the universe is consciousness.

Consciousness can create fields of force, and they can get knotted and twisted up into particles of matter.


And here is another place to go and visit.


Quantum Gravity Research

101 S. Topanga Canyon Rd. #1159

Topanga, CA 90290

Anonymous ID: 70e889 June 27, 2021, 10:48 p.m. No.14003070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3081 >>3119




She may get sentenced to that.

But in a few short years we are going to DRASTICALLY reduce the number of people inPRISON.


Our goal is to MAXIMIZE the number of people who go through the Great Awakening, so yes, their freedoms will in some ways be confined. But they are going to be re-educated in the same way an AA program would re-educate an alcoholic. Call them concentration camps, NOT prisons