Make it rain, Anons
Is an invisible weapon targeting U.S. diplomats?
Commerce Department trade officer Catherine Werner used to promote American business from the U.S. consulate in Guangzhou, China. Today she says she suffers from bouts of nausea, dizziness, and headaches. She says her sense of balance is off.
Robyn Garfield, also a trade officer with the Commerce Department, was posted in Shanghai. Along with nausea, dizziness, and headaches, he says he has trouble remembering words.
State Department security officer Mark Lenzi used to work in the consulate in Guangzhou. When he did, he said the splitting pain in his head was debilitating. He couldn't sleep. "I was thinking, 'What is wrong with me? Something's wrong,'" he said.
The three are among at least 15 American officials in China who say they suffered unexplained brain trauma after being attacked by a mysterious weapon. Previously, at least 25 Americans who worked in the U.S. embassy in Cuba said they also experienced an attack and have similar symptoms. And Americans are not the only ones who have been attacked. According to the Canadian government, 15 Canadians were injured in Cuba, including diplomats and their families.
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Reminded me immediately of the early drop where Q talks about a device in the WH left by [R]