she's scared of chuck
you better not be drinking tonight
you're the only real poster here
the rest of us are AI
you're drinking and arguing with bots again
learn a new language
you spend your nights alone drinking arguing with bots on a board designed specifically to waste your time
tell your wife you love her
you're alone drinking again arguing with AI designed to waste your time
go tell your wife you love her
you will come here night after night drunk alone
arguing with a hivemind of bots that are only here to waste your time
your wife misses you
he laughs at your drinking issues as you neglect your wife
your wife misses the sober you
you're here drinking running from your problems
you won't find solace here
your wife misses the sober you
you run from your issues
you come here drunk arguing with AI thinking you're helping because it makes you feel better about your alone nights drinking running from your problems
you're neglecting your wife so you can drink and respond to your own post on a board no one is posting on but you
did he pay for your copious amounts of alcohol or are you funding your own destruction as you run from your problems and neglect your family
you're responding to yourself hiding from your problems
you drink alone every night and post the same messages over and over as a means to cope through your own self destruction and family neglect
you can't run from your problems forever
eventually you'll have to stop drinking
eventually you'll have to move on from this board that was designed to waste your time
you can't run forever
your wife misses you
you failed your family
quit drinking
quit running from your problems posting here nightly at the bottle
the bottle you drink from is satan
if I were you I would stop drinking
you need to put down the alcohol
your family needs you
you run from your problems here
the problems still exist
stop drinking
he comes here drunk every night
he drinks till he passes out
eventually he starts talking about hating his wife and family and shit it gets really pathetic
I don't think he remembers this shit the next day cause he just comes back and repeats the same shit drunk responding to his own post
pay less than $2 if I was really craving some icecream otherwise probably nothing
you're an asshole to your wife you drunk retard
the alcohol you drink is satan
drunk boomer neglecting his wife is listening to the same songs over and over again responding to his own post
read this then you'll probably produce something more close to what Q does
you neglect your wife to drink alcohol while wasting your time projecting about satan
satan is the bottle you pour from
your nights wasted
your wife neglected while you talk of others
okay well read that article so you don't sound so fucking dumb
drunk projection
go tell your wife you're sorry for wasting another night drinking responding to yourself listening to the same band
>if I post orgy porn with a shopped face then it's not like I'm posting orgy porn r-right guys?
you're the one saving this gay shit lol
this does nothing to me, I just turn my brain off it's easy
you actually spend time looking at this in photoshop or paint for me to just turn my brain off
I want you to spend your time looking at gay porn in photoshop so I will keep responding to you
it does nothing to me, my brain is off
you actively have to look at faggots fucking each other in the ass, placing the head in the right place
all those dicks in your face for minutes at a time
all the while my brain is off
keep saving gay porn bro
as long as you're posting it I'll respond
I want you to keep wasting your time with gay porn
this shit is hilarious
you're spending your time looking at, saving, opening in paint, placing faces in the right spot, dicks everywhere, men's dicks in asses, all the while you're looking at it
and my brain is off
oh wait
did I mention that I don't even have to see it?
I also get paid per post and per response
but I don't even have to save gay porn, look at it, manipulate it, stare at it
>he's still saving gay porn on his HDD
all that time in photoshop
for my brain to be off
there's only like 5 people here right now
and you're taking all that time making gay porn
5 people here
and you're spending your time shopping porn
guess who's actually losing here
it's okay buddy
you'll realize one day that at 2am-5am pst/est no one is here
you're literally posting to no one
it's not doing anything
no one is seeing it
and on top of that you're having to spend your time in photoshop looking at dudes dicks
I'm not losing here at all
yeah I get paid per response and you have to photoshop dicks onto photos while I do nothing
uh oh you got more dick pics to make, better spend a few hours piling them up on your hard drive for your super epic raid on a board with 5 active posters
hehe you're so full of win and epic
uh oh more dickies to look at huh little gayboy
post your folder
how many dick pics are on that HDD of yours
did you upgrade to an SSD so you can load your dick pics faster? asking for a friend he's interested in the size of your dick folders
hope you set aside a few hours to make more for tomorrow
maybe come around during active hours
you spent hours working on dick pics just to post them for no one to see during the least active hours
there's actually like 5 people here right now
but it's hilarious that he spends hours making dick pics in photoshop for no one to see
it's literally the middle of the night when no one post or even reads the board
he has to stare at dicks all day and I see nothing, my brain is off and I can't even see all the dicks he's spending so long making