Bizarre. They're obviously not needed. Perhaps instead of doing useless agitprop gestures they could simply take a few less billion in taxpayer dollars each year. Fucking parasites.
It will be interesting (and probably maddening) to see how long they can delay this. Delay it long enough and other states begin to lose interest and the gaslit public move on to other, more current atrocities.
Of course I'm sure their interest and involvement has nothing to do with the fact the list of the missing looks like this.
Oy vey!
Ban this BS please.
No you stupid fucker, you are the shill. If you think a former CIA drone and Bushbot is a patriot then you are dumber than the average nigger.
Ayup. Barr is just another shapeshifter kike, and it should surprise no one he stabbed Trump in the back.