>Good job bv. Way to go. Get ready for bloatables, needless, senseless banter and fucking anime every single fucking post.
At any point you could have stepped up.
>Good job bv. Way to go. Get ready for bloatables, needless, senseless banter and fucking anime every single fucking post.
At any point you could have stepped up.
Getting real close to shitting all over you.
GB admitting he is a shill, his response is always you got nuffin.
>and just like that the other post is gone.
Yep, just like that the tranny leaf gets whacked for posting its copy pasta propaganda bread after bread after bread. Cry moar.
>daca mai sunt nevoit, sa tastez captch at every 2 posts, i will kill you
You won't do shit christian.
Refresh often - Current active shills:
>Big shout out to veli if he really here
Yea, he's spamming cock attached to matis, I'm sure you are a fan.
>You have no idea with who you're fvcking.
Christian Michael Leu.
>our savior, bv, mentioned the purple field for the stars so anon grabbed it and fucked around with the levels