Champlain Towers, Nathan Reiber, Nattel Construction, Mark Meland, Bronfman/NXIVM
Controlled demolition by the guy that took over Nattel Construction from Reiber, Mark Meland, who is married to Reiber's daughter Jill.
>According to co-founding partner Mark Meland, in most cases the best results are obtained when people are UNDER ONE ROOF.
Can you find a connection between Reiber and his Canadian buddy, Edgar Bronfman/Seagram's?
Does that lead to NXIVM & the Bronfman sisters? Does it lead to the Clinton Foundation & banks?
Mack is naming names, she's in the news & about to be sentenced. Did the Bronfman sisters rat out the Clinton's too?
This is getting good. That guy Nicholas Balboa was a patsy trying to get into the Black Lodge of Masons. Is he going to be the sacrificial goat?
Why does the IDF want to help with that building so bad? Spreading Ashkenazi blood through experiments & trafficking?