where's muh alien tech… darn it
They thought they got checkmate… then they saw King-Rook castle move
Just stand up say NO… do not acquiese and they will lose their power
Psneki sticking to the protocols
dey cant sleep at night… cuz duh memes
he is a consumable… not an asset….
if he were an asset, then he would be expected to pay for himself by creating revenue and profits… cuz that is bidness
yeah… why would anyone wanna live there, amirite…
cuz frequent hurricanes, sweltering humidity, child eating alligators, beach shark attacks, lightning strikes all the time, tree iguanas shitting in your beer…
omg what an aweful place… so please stay in CA and NY ya'll
The British were upset the global cooling that started around 1300 wiped out their vineyards.
Now that things are warning back up, why is everyone so against real British wine making a comeback?