Anonymous ID: 2b4290 May 13, 2018, 3:53 p.m. No.1401188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1209 >>1441 >>1451 >>1524

Stop falling for it

Whether it's the Christian identity, muh Israel, Q's an idol, muh larp, ayylmaos, ley lines, woowoo this or that, let's talk about my health problems, what's P again or any of the other useless, irrelevant, red herring slide topics



Stop responding. Starve them. They live on (you)s. Deny them like your life depends on it - theirs depends on stealing your attention and energy from real, productive work.


Ignore, filter quietly (if that's what you do, we don't need to fucking know) and get busy digging or making some fucking meme magic happen.

Anonymous ID: 2b4290 May 13, 2018, 3:59 p.m. No.1401235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1263 >>1282 >>1303 >>1311 >>1362


Hey baker, requesting a change in the dough, I think you missed it last thread -


I have made a new tab on the main spreadsheet for the Supplement to MA Archives, so the link for it will be the same as the main spreadsheet. It is clearly labeled on the bottom for people to see. I am going to keep that one up and made a note on the old address (which is in the dough under Archives → >>1400948


So to eliminate confusion, could you please change the dough to reflect that? Something like:


Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)


or however you think it should be worded. That will be clear, eliminate confusion and save you a few characters in the dough. :)


Thank you!

Anonymous ID: 2b4290 May 13, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.1401395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1433 >>1501 >>1532


What is that from? I would like to read it. Thank you



It was a little shilly :) no worries



Yeah, still here, pop in and out every day

Don't get to spend as much time here gleaning the good answers as I used to - meatspace stuff is demanding



>SA will you please unlock the 'comments' tab?

Yes, that is a good compromise to still have participation. You'll remember it used to be fully open on the several columns until psycho-boy appeared. I have to figure out how to do that safely… Check back in a few minutes - and give me some slack on responding to comments or incorporating them. It's a prime opportunity for shilling, spam and BS to waste mah time, but I will do my best to be quick.




Looks good, thank you very much!

Anonymous ID: 2b4290 May 13, 2018, 4:31 p.m. No.1401532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1763







It's not like the days of yore where you could enter your digs directly into the open columns on the spreadsheet (thanks psychoboy), but this is a good way to have participation without anyone deleting the content.


The same content guidelines apply as they did before:

-famefags, metasuperultraconspiracy, galactic brothers and nonsense is not going to be added

-should be concise and sourced as well as possible

-proper punctuation, grammar (no txt spch yo) is helpful so I don't have to retype your data


Please be patient with me in responding to (if necessary) or adding content to the main spreadsheet itself. I will to the best I can, as quickly, accurately and faithfully as I possibly can.


Thank you ALL for your support and participation, glorious faggots, it's an honor and a pleasure.