Anonymous ID: 4c320c May 13, 2018, 4:07 p.m. No.1401319   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1355 >>1391 >>1444 >>1481 >>1533 >>1679 >>1785

anons - for those of us who read the redditt post referenced by Q it revealed jst how detailed and meticulous the psyops agsint WE THE PEOPLE have become - perhaps for some true autists this did not come as any surprise - however for most of us - even woke - it really is difficult to beleive the lengths to which the evil ones will go for even a small advantage - or even a chance at a small advantage.


it is the same with lies - honest people do not routinely think in terms of lying - and when it is considered it is always in relation to a comprehensible motive. the difference is the evil ones lie routinely as if it were normal - no motive is required. it is really part of their "ethic" of life to lie and cheat and take advantage and mainly to DOMINATE anyone they can. this is not normal human behavior - yet these types excel amoing ordinary "sheep" who prefer to get along with others.


And the plans and plots they weave are also so absurd among common sense people that one must struggle to see that is is most intentional - the reddit peice describes that in detail and a very good example of that same technique is applied every day here on the board. there is a group oh highly planned division and subversion posters here every bread every day. the techniques they employ are not random - far from it - the yare preciselt engineered to accomplish several distinct goals.


The first goal is to trigger an emotion. the second goal is to engage with the intent of creating doubt and confusion. the third is to repeat the messaging over and over and over until one gets s "used to it" and it becomes familiar and thus - acceptable.


without conceit I can assure you that i am now and have always been a tough out in any verbal or intellectual argument or confrontation. Having done battle with this group on this board i can assure you they are no ordinary shills. they are the exact same type of entity that was described in the Q redditt post.


I got their goat a few times but it is a losing battle. they are operating on a relentless and programmed plan of subversion of the anons on this board. they want Q research to fail. they want Q research to blame a group of persons for all the problems. But the group (((they))) point to every time is not the real enemy - no not at all - it is a false target. the oldest trick in the book. I think we all know exactly whom is referred to here.


I am through with open warfare - i post this with the goal and intent that other anons can recongnize it every time they see it - and MOVE ON. Anons that tell you to ignore are right - they have been wiser that i in this regard and I now see they are right.


Beleive me when I say that i as much as anyone would love to smash them in the face - even if its only a brief moment of victory on the board. But it will not work. Division and controversy and acrimony is THEIR GAME - Do not play their game. Opt for UNITY. That is the only way. Once the GA and THE PLAN are complete we will no longer have them around to bother us. Never again will they have power over us. Then they can sit in their pathetic divided evil world all by themselves and wonder why no one else cares.